how much hotter does lump actually cook?


doug gillis

have been experimenting with some lump lately but don't see much differ in temps. Smoked a couple beer can chickens the other night using lump and an emty water pan- drafts fully open and only stayed around 320 dome. Is this normal? Also.. does it make a difference in how the dome is facing-top vent towards door or away on other side?
Overall, I have not seen significant temp differences. As others have mentioned it seems to be more responsive to the variables, but with the vents left open throughout the cook I would say those temps are not unusual. Was that higher then anticipated?


p.s. If we were talking about the kettle, then yes lump runs hotter. Got to love the efficiency of the wsm!
I have to agree with Gary. To do a high heat(Over 320) cook I have to leave the door propped open, or watch the temp and remove it and put it back in once and a while.
I finished a couple hams on Canadian Thanksgiving and had NO problem holding 350+ at lid without having to prop the door.

I think the big thing people over look is the size of the fire they are cooking over. I find it best to let my cooker get going GOOD and HOT before I assemble. If you dump a full chimney of lit on top of plenty of fuel and allow it a good 8-10 min before you assemble, this will assure you have amble ignited fuel. I find that the 3 air vents provide MORE then enough airflow for 350 cooking.

