How many racks?


Dave L.

My wife wants a Mothers Day party. How many racks of spares would work for 15 people (all adults)? A little extra food will be fine. Of course everyone will bring some kind of side dish. Or should it be broken down to how many ribs per person?
If I decide to go with butts, about how much will I need? And also, if we eat between 1pm and 3pm. can the butts be cooked in the morning or do they have to go in the night before?

This will be my first party with the WSM and I'm trying to cover all my bases so I don't have to keep asking you questions.
If you're just serving spares with sides and no other main course/protein I'd plan on at least 1/2 rack per person. That's just me, I like to make sure everyone gets enough. I'm sure you could get away with less. Using 1/2 rack that still 8 racks of spares for 15 people, your smoker is going to be mighty cramped, but you could probably fit that many in.

As far as butts, go plan on 1 1/2 hours per pound, 2 hours per pound if you really want to play it safe (I've had it take that long once). So plan accordingly time wise.
Lucius, about how much butt do you think I should get? Could I cook them at high heat in the morning or is that really pushing for time?
Hmm, that's a good question, one I'm probably not qualified to answer. The only times I cook for large quantities of people we always have several other main dishes so I'm not concerned with making enough. I always have leftovers as well.

That being said, I'd say 16 pounds would probably be adequate. That allows a pound per person before cooking. If you want you could do more, and freeze/give away the leftovers. I personally like to play it safe and always try to have more than unnecessary. 16 pounds will probably leave you with little to no left overs.

As far as cooking, you could probably get away with cooking at 300 degrees, maybe want to mop it at that heat. Certainly 250 or 275 you could do. I don't know how much time you're going to save though, maybe 3 hours if you're lucky. If you're dealing with 8 pound butts you're still probably looking at an absolute minimum of eight hours even at high heat, and most likely longer. I could be wrong, I don't have much experience cooking higher than 250-275.

I'd suggest doing it overnight. If you've never done it before don't worry about it, my second smoke ever was overnight. I'd probably allow about 1 3/4 hours per pound. If you're having a party you DO NOT want people waiting for hours after they thought they were going to eat. Better to finish early, then double wrap in foil and throw in a cooler. I've held meet like this for 4 hours and pulling it out of the cooler it's been as piping hot as if I just took it off the smoker.

For overnighters, I usually give it about an hour and a half to two hours after starting the smoker to make sure temperatures have stabilized, then I go to bed. Then I usually wake up early (but not too early) at approx. the expected half time to check temps and make sure everything is running ok.

Plus, in case something goes wrong (although it shouldn't) you should have enough warning to put a backup plan into place.

When I do it I allow about 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours per pound and plan on them finishing about two hours prior to when I want them done. Should the meat finish fast I can always hold it, and I should have a decent window to finish if the meat takes longer than expected to cook.
Your times are based on cooking temps of 250-275 degrees? I suppose I just have to bite the bullet and go for an allnighter? I can't believe how stressful it is just to think about it
Yeah, I'm pretty content if the smoker is running anywhere from 225-275, I usually aim for about 240-250.

It's hard not to be worried about an overnight cook, but if you've got a few smokes under your belt than you know how the smoker works. It's really not a big deal other than the interrupted sleep I get. I'm sure it will come out fine.

Since mother's day is still a ways off maybe you could do an overnight smoke prior to then for practice? That way you'll feel more comfortable when it's all on the line.
I was thinking of the same thing. It's only the wife and I so I have to find a small butt. Will it work if I get a big one and cut it in half and cook half and freeze half?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dave L.:
I was thinking of the same thing. It's only the wife and I so I have to find a small butt. Will it work if I get a big one and cut it in half and cook half and freeze half? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd suggest cook the whole butt, and freeze the leftovers. If you're looking for a practice run, that would be more realistic than cooking half a butt. Plus, pulled pork freezes and reheats pretty well.

