How long to cook a pastrami/brisket flat?


N Delo

TVWBB Member
I'm preparing to make a pastrami using a 6 lb brisket flat.

In general, how long should I smoke this? I know that 'it's done when it's done', but I'm trying to get an idea of when I should start my cook.

Also, I see some pastrami recipes call for finishing off with an hour or two in water in a dutch oven, is this necessary, or can it just be cooked start-to-finish on the WSM.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome N Delo!

To answer your 2nd question first; no you don't have to steam a pastrami; it can be cooked 100% on your smoker. Restaurants steam pastrami to reheat it for serving.

How long to smoke a 6# flat? Depends...on temp for the most part. You already know the answer as you've answered it

For reference Chris cooked his in about 5 hours. Here's a link to his demonstration in the cooking forum - Quick Pastrami. Let us know how it comes out.


