How long does your boston butt take to cook


Joe Passante

New member
My boston butts seem to take forever. I cooked a 5 pound butt in my wsm at 225 ( monitored with an IQ 120) 10 hrs and only reached 175. Boosted the grill to 150 for the last 60 and reached 182. I've read 1.5 hours per pound for a butt. My pork pulled but not completely.

What are your experiences in a Wsm.
Mine usually takes 12 hours for 8 lb. @ 235-245 temp. Be patient. BBQ is done when its done. :)
12 hours is a minimum for me. That is for an eight to nine pound butt. I usually put mine on at around 2 am. That gets her done in time for dinner (5pm on Sunday)
Welcome aboard Joe!

Not sure my old WSM could cook at 225 unless I used water, and I don't.
If you think about it, getting a 5 lb. hunk of meat up to 190 or so at 225 is going to take a long time.
I run about 250 for the first 2/3 hours for the smoke, then open up and run 300/350 until done.
Never had to go longer than 9 hours, even with two butts on.
I've been doing butts at 275. I cooked 3 10 pound butts last week and they were falling apart at 9 hours. Probably woulda been good pulling them off at 8 hours. I also wrapped in foil at 5 hours.
225 is way too low for pork butts unless you have 24 hours to cook it.
I figure 12 hours and typically use 8-10 pound bone in butts at 250-275
I did three 9 lbers at 300 +or - 10 degrees and was done in approx 7 hrs. They were superbly tender and juicy with all the fat rendered. I foiled them after the bark formed nice around 165-170 internal. Cannot see why I would ever want to cook them for 12 hours. JMHO
Looks like I should try 250 for my next butt. I will start it in the evening and let it cook overnight. BTW the IQ 120 maintained very stable temps in my WSM. I had a short-lived 10 degree overshoot that was probably due to sunlight hitting the kettle.
Normal time for me is 12-15+ hours. Have had some burns go 17 or more hours. I always do 2 to 4 at a time. I don't use foil and maintain low and slow temps 225-250. The biggest variable when doing low and slow is how long of a stall you experience.
I'm no expert but typically run the WSM at 250F to 275F. Wherever it feels like going. The 1-1/2 hour/pound rule seems to work pretty well at those temperatures, even with stalls. I use water by the way. Give it a try and let us know how you make out.
Yeah, at 225 expect 12+ hours, even for a little butt. I usually shoot for 250 and budget 12 hours, sometimes it takes more, sometimes it takes less.
I just did my first butt yesterday and tried to keep temps around 275, but it got up to 300 at one point. I didn't use water, just foiled the pan. 8.5lb butt ended up being on the WSM 7 hours. I wrapped it when it reached 165* so that might have kept it cranking along. Pulled it from the smoker at 195*. Ended up letting it rest in a cooler 2 hours until dinner. Turned out great!
I'm usually around 2hrs per pound running around 240 degrees. The last time I did butts one weighted 7lbs and the other was closed to 8lbs. The 8lb butt was done and probe tender 2hrs before the 7lb'er was. Both were on the top rack of my WSM and both were moist and done to perfection. Just goes to show different pieces of meat cook at different rates.

