How long can you hold briskets in a cooler box?


Y Rawat

New member
Thanks for the advice on my multiple brisket post!

I've now decided to start early at Midnight and smoke until the brisket reaches around 205F.
Im worried that the briskets will finish smoking at around 2-3pm.. we are serving dinner at around 8pm!

My question is.. how long can I hold my three briskets in the cooler for?? Most people seem to say around 3-4 hours!!
I may need up-to 6 hours!! Is it safe to hold for more than 4 hours??

Any suggestions?? Will i have to hold my briskets in a Bain Marie?? If so, at what temp?? I dont want a dried out brisket!

Thanks in advance!!
Many competitors cook their big meats first followed by the chicken and ribs. As such, it's not unusual to find them pulling their briskets off at 6am and holding it until just before the 1:30pm turn-in time. So, 7+ hours is possible. Keep it above 140 degrees F but less than cooking temperature (170 ish).
Many competitors cook their big meats first followed by the chicken and ribs. As such, it's not unusual to find them pulling their briskets off at 6am and holding it until just before the 1:30pm turn-in time. So, 7+ hours is possible. Keep it above 140 degrees F but less than cooking temperature (170 ish).

Fantastic Bob!! Thanks for the prompt reply!
I find with a good cooler and brisket 6 hours is possible, I have done this with pork butts as well. Just check the the temp before you cut. If it is below 130 I will need to be heated before serving.

