How long can a brisket hold temp?



New member
For a family gathering, I purchased a full packer brisket and a flat - approx 20 pounds after trimming. Based on that weight, I estimated a 30-hour cook, and with a 5:00 PM dinner target, started the WSM at noon the day before. The flat (on the lower rack of the WSM) was at 202 degrees at 11:00 PM, so it's wrapped in towels and in the cambro.
At midnight, the packer is at 183 degrees (WSM temp 234) and it would appear the packer will be done within the next 5 hours.

My question is: How long can I reasonably expect the meat to stay hot in the cambro? (12 hours before dinner time)
If I put the meat in the refrigerator, what would be the best way to warm it before slicing and serving?
As long as you keep it at or above 140 degrees F, you will be safe. How about first cooling it down to below cooking temperature (approx 170 degrees F), then let it rest in an environment that is hotter than 140 degrees F, but less than cooking temperature (approx 170 degrees F).
As long as you keep it at or above 140 degrees F, you will be safe. How about first cooling it down to below cooking temperature (approx 170 degrees F), then let it rest in an environment that is hotter than 140 degrees F, but less than cooking temperature (approx 170 degrees F).

In your opinion, it is preferible an hotter Resting T (round 170F as you said) to a 140-150F ??
If YES, why ?
Good question Enrico. All I know for sure is above 170 and it keeps cooking, and below 140 you chance getting sick. We've all seen products being held on steam lines for hours at restaurants. In most of those cases, keeping the product above 140 was the concern. How does slightly elevating that holding temperature affect the product's texture? I do not know. In the case of brisket, expectation would be a greater loss of gelatin that at a lower temperature, which in turn would negatively affect the product's texture.

Any restaurateurs or caterers out there with some insight into this ?
When I need to keep things hot in my cambro for extended times, I put a pan of boiling water in the bottom. Just check it every now and then.

