How do you like your brisket?


Andy V

TVWBB Member
Made my first brisket and it turned out good. Did not fall apart, held together but very tender. I'd like to have more bark next time possibly. Also enjoy some Carolina BBQ poured over the slices!

How do you like your brisket? Hard bark.soft bark. Falls apart. Stiff but tender?
Let's say, if I take a slice (for instance, only) and place it onto (let's say) a 4x4 'square', I can fold it over onto itself easily without it breaking into 2 parts.... But when I pull it apart, it break cleanly with some resistance, but not too much... ;)
Gotta pass the pull test (some slight resistance then pulls apart cleanly), black bark with a peppery bite to it, 1/4" to 3/8" smoke ring, not too much fat (good trimming is crucial) and very juicy. I prefer to eat sliced point meat rather than cubed burnt ends, too.

