How can I save a few bucks on a new purchase?


Reggie G

So I know these things are price protected but there are certain sales that do come up throughout the season.

I'd like to get a performer so I'm thinking lowes or Home Depot with some sort of promo is my best bet. Or maybe an online source since I'm in California and 9% sales tax

Is also like to not wait until the end of the season if I can help it
Here's a used performer that looks new...

Looks to be an excellent price as it sits for $175, but with all things Craigslist you should be able to knock down the price a bit.

Otherwise, get a change of address kit from the USPS, there are usually discount coupons for the Big Box Home Stores.

Or pick up one of the HD discount coupons online, or off of eBAY.
No not a vet

I saw two on CL but they're just far enough away to eat up a whole day chasing them down

What about Memorial Day sales? Or any other sales that might be coming up

I'll try the post office again last time I tried they no longer had them
I'll kick in again here...

I've got a few Performers, the old stainless steel ones. Two are put together the other is in storage. All were purchased used, rehabbed as needed. I like the older style over the newer. The disassembled one is for future use if ever needed. I keep an eye out for others, if the price is right I'll pick them up.

That said, in the grand scheme of things there is no difference between a Performer and a Weber kettle on a tripod stand with a folding table next to it. Sometimes having the extra space on a bigger table is nice.

I put together a Big Green Egg rolling cart for my large Egg, then shortly after decided I preferred the Egg in the factory Nest. I replaced the missing slats (where the Egg would sit) and now use the rolling table for the Egg and all of the Webers. Again, it's nice to have the extra space, and the extra storage area underneath. Lots of hooks on the sides of the 6' table for utensils. Multiple bottle openers attached. Will soon be drilling holes in it to be able to mount umbrellas on each end.

So, get a kettle. Here's a free one in Santa Cruz. Rough it for a while, look for an older Performer in the meantime.

Lots in the SFBay area...
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You could try Googling online promo codes for Lowes & Home Depot. I saved $20 on my WSM and 20% on my 22" Original Kettle Premium from Lowes by using online promo codes found that way. Each time I had to try a couple codes before one worked, but it took no time at all and I picked them up in the nearby store a few hours later.
I think USPS has a 10% Lowes discount as part of their "movers" package. Go to your post office and pick up the movers pack. I think the coupon is in there.
In all the examples I've seen of the Lowe's 10% off mover's coupon, Weber products are excluded in the fine print...which does not mean you won't get an improperly trained clerk that applies the credit to your purchase...unless the computer is smart enough to disallow the credit based on the product UPC barcode...just saying, it's not 100% guaranteed that you'll get the discount with the coupon.
Check Craig's list I've seen new Weber's in the box for great prices I picked up a new 22 silver kettle for $35. But make sure you inspect it carefully because it might be cheap because it's damaged or a return.
CL is a great place, as others have said. Also, check with your smaller local Weber dealers (Hdw Stores, etc). They are more likely to cut you a deal than a big box store. It can't hurt to ask.
The retail markup on Weber products is SLIM. Like, Ethiopian slim. Any small business would be crazy to discount them any further and the discounts at the big box stores generally do not apply to Weber products. When the big stores to clear them out, they lose money on each sale but make room for something that will make them more money in the cold months (we don't have cold months down here, but we do enjoy the clearance sales).

I'd love to see you support Weber by buying a new Performer, but I am cheap and poor so I usually buy used grills. Like others have said, your best bet may be to get a Lowes moving package from the Post Office and try to use it at Lowes. If they don't take it, try it at another Lowes, then another. Do you know any military members or veterans? Military members get 10% off every day at Lowes and Veterans get it three days a year.
I think I got this figured out thanks guys

Anyone have any idea what the markup is on them? I know there prolly isn't much but there has to be enough to pay for assembly and real estate. I'm guessing on a $400 performer deluxe maybe $50 at the most
Yes, I know the markup, but I'm not supposed to divulge it. Just know that it is less than other retail items and when you pay with a credit card, especially one that gives you airline miles or some other bonus, the retailer has to pay a substantial percentage on the entire purchase, tax and all, which further reduces his slice of the slim markup. Basically, if they are selling the Weber products at MAP (as most are), they are already giving you a discount compared to everything else in the store.
Yes, I know the markup, but I'm not supposed to divulge it. Just know that it is less than other retail items and when you pay with a credit card, especially one that gives you airline miles or some other bonus, the retailer has to pay a substantial percentage on the entire purchase, tax and all, which further reduces his slice of the slim markup. Basically, if they are selling the Weber products at MAP (as most are), they are already giving you a discount compared to everything else in the store.
The money is made on the other things that one would want/need FOR the grill (or large item. TVs are similar).

