Hot tubbed tri tip


Preston B

Put it in a gallon bag for an hour and a half with hot tap water changed a couple times to keep hot. IT was 85 degrees after. Smoked to 120 with post oak then seared. Rough mashed potatoes and salad.2A0FDFD8-CFC9-4891-BBEF-A8106550A51B.jpegEE01F8B6-9E1A-418E-8BC5-3D35F0E9E178.jpeg46FA9BF8-2C34-49E3-BDE5-4744F3D16D85.jpeg4878813E-1CE9-4AB5-A9FF-410965C9E7C3.jpeg
OK so I am taking notes, my question is should I shot for the hot water to be at 110, mine come out at 130 at max. Is 130 too hot? Leave it in the bath changing water out to keep warm until about 90 internal then onto the grill. That looks fabulous by the way!!!
Ohhhh yeah...

Hot Tub Tri Tip...

Mmmm hmmm...and "Tri" means three.

Coming up next...on Weber After Dark.;)

(Seriously...who do I have to see about getting a Barry White Voice plugin installed?)
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Hmm. Bit concerned with your process the minimum safe holding temp for beef listed using Sous vide are as follows.
  • 130°F (54°C) for 112 minutes
  • 135°F (57°C) for 36 minutes
  • 140°F(60°C) for 12 minutes
  • 145°F (63°C) for 4 minutes
Case was thinking the same. The chart means? You can hold for longer at the temps or a maximum of the listed times? I imagine thise are min times for safety, or us that opposite. Thanks
Hmm. Bit concerned with your process the minimum safe holding temp for beef listed using Sous vide are as follows.
  • 130°F (54°C) for 112 minutes
  • 135°F (57°C) for 36 minutes
  • 140°F(60°C) for 12 minutes
  • 145°F (63°C) for 4 minutes
This doesnt have anything to do with sous vide just safe food handling. Pretty sure the rule is between 40-140 you can leave stuff out up to 2 hours safely. Remember I am still cooking this to temp after. You never want to hold red meat in a sous vide under 130 and over 2 hours. Below is from the FDA.


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Case was thinking the same. The chart means? You can hold for longer at the temps or a maximum of the listed times? I imagine thise are min times for safety, or us that opposite. Thanks
Yes those are minimum times at that temp to be safe to eat. You really have to watch what info you look at with sous vide. There are really conservative charts like this and then if you look at progressive cooking sites the information is much different. If you go by that chart posted you should never cook at steak under 145 on the grill and thats if you could hold that exact temp for 4 minutes. They probably say 1 second at 165 for the grill which nobody really does.
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Heres some more from seriouseats. They are saying you can go up to 2 and a half hours below 130. Either way as long as you stay under 2 hours you are fine. 004E5B17-4CAC-407D-B151-B1CF79573A00.png
Ooh, looks perfect! Are you dabbling with the idea of sous vide?
I have a sous vide I just dont prefer it on red meat. 15 years ago before home sous vides existed you used to see alot more about hot tubbing. I prefer this on red meat because it gives you a couple minutes to get some smoke on it before you sear it off where a sous vide its like sear sear done and not much grill flavor.
OK so I am taking notes, my question is should I shot for the hot water to be at 110, mine come out at 130 at max. Is 130 too hot? Leave it in the bath changing water out to keep warm until about 90 internal then onto the grill. That looks fabulous by the way!!!
I would use water closer to 100-110. With steaks they are normally 90-100 IT in 45 minutes or so depending on how thick they are but this isnt precise. You are basically just bringing up the internal temp to lessen the cooking time on the grill. Dont go longer than 2 hours under 130 though. The cook is going to be pretty quick unless you are doing like a 2” thick steak. I cook almost everything to temp usually go to 120 IT then pull and rest then sear. My temp off the grill yesterday was 125 so finish probably 130 range.E450E69D-7544-4068-8133-BC20A5D9D42B.jpeg
You never want to hold red meat in a sous vide under 130 and over 2 hours. Below is from the FDA.

When I posted the chart (from FDA) I had clipped this rule too, but my bumbling thumbs didn't get it into the post. Damn phones!

The top post is very vague and doesn't have your process which could lead to confusion with people who do not know this. Which could lead to sick people.

Point in case Michael above probably didn't know this rule and only reads that your steak was 85° after 1 12/ hours. He may figure that your water was 85° and that is fine and he can leave the meat in the tub all day.
When I posted the chart (from FDA) I had clipped this rule too, but my bumbling thumbs didn't get it into the post. Damn phones!

The top post is very vague and doesn't have your process which could lead to confusion with people who do not know this. Which could lead to sick people.

Point in case Michael above probably didn't know this rule and only reads that your steak was 85° after 1 12/ hours. He may figure that your water was 85° and that is fine and he can leave the meat in the tub all day.
Agreed it was vague. This method I only use on red meat and never over 2 hours if you are under 130. Over 130 you are safe but you still dont want to run a good steak more than a couple hours. Other cuts are actually really good going longer Im about to throw a chimichurri marinated skirt in the sous vide at 132 for tomorrow night fajitas.79D73EDF-5C47-414D-B2BF-49F05E7F9734.jpeg
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Hi Preston,

First off, I totally love your backsplash. How long are you able to keep the hot tub at close to 110 before changing the water? How many water changes did you undergo to get the meat to that target temp? Love the look of that cook.

Btw, how do you like the PK?
Hi Preston,

First off, I totally love your backsplash. How long are you able to keep the hot tub at close to 110 before changing the water? How many water changes did you undergo to get the meat to that target temp? Love the look of that cook.

Btw, how do you like the PK?
Thanks on the backsplash. I changed the water 3 times this time and my faucet usually comes out right around 110 but i keep my water heater set low. This was a 3lb tri tip so it took longer normally if im just doing a steak i go 45 minutes range with a change or 2. Usually just try to get the meat like 90-100 IT range then on a steak you might have like 5-10 minutes indirect depending on your cook and target temp. I love the PK it gets the majority of my summer quick cooks since its my garage grill and we spend alot of time out front this time of year. I already told wifey i want the PKGO once its available.

