Homecoming Baby Back Ribs


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
My son came in from Virginia late last night and the first thing he asked for was BB ribs. Told him
they were on the menu for today. 2 large BB’s salted and then season with Kevin Kruger’s rub.
The only variation to the rub was I substituted the paprika with ¼ cup Aleppo chili powder.

Put onto the WSM with small splits of pecan wood. They were almost too large for the 18.
I will have to watch the ends to make sure they don’t get too overcooked.

Ribs are done. Off the WSM and into foil to rest.

Bush beans onto the smoker.

Plated with corn on the cob.

Rubs were very moist and tender, but not fall off the bone tender, even though it looks like it.
Nice crust and was really surprised not too spicy with the different peppers and chili powders.
I will definitely use this rub again. Everyone really enjoyed the meal; both racks of ribs, the corn
and all the beans are gone and that was with 6 hungry adults. :D

Thanks for looking!
Excellent Meal and Pic's Mike! I too have used Mr. Kruger's rub. It's Great! Bet you Son loved that meal.
Terrific cook and pics Mike!

I have a son in CO, so I know how precious spending some time together is.
I love to hear the stories about keeping our friends and family happy with good home-cooked food. Nicely done! Great ribs!
Awesome job on the ribs, Mike! I'm sure your son appreciated it. As well as the rest of your family.:)

