HM in AP mode refusing to allow WPA2?



I just switched my HM back into AP mode, and I set a WPA2 password on it so that it'll be secure during competition.

However, I cant connect to the darn thing! It times out (read: NOT telling me bad pw) on wifi password validation on every single device I've tried connecting. Anyone know what's up with this or how to fix?

EDIT: This seems to be a bigger issue, as I cannot connect to the HeaterMeter in AP mode period, security or not. This is incredibly frustrating as I can see the thing broadcasting its ssid, but every device times out.
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I think someone posted recently about some security protocol that doesn't work right in AP mode, can't remember exactly which. And I also recall that AP mode was quirky with the Edimax WiFi adapter, not sure if that got fixed up or not. I know I tried (long ago) to get AP mode working with my Edimax and never really did, then I moved over to the Comfast CF-WU715N with the RT-5370 chipset and AP mode worked reliably for me. (though the RT-5370 has some issue working with the rPi A+, the connection drops after a certain period for some reason, but its good on all other rPi models)
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It worked just fine when I received it, and was already in AP mode (note my edit where I said it's AP mode as a whole, not a security setting). I since switched it to my LAN, and just want to go back.

If i have to perform a software reset I can.
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I think that might have been the problem with the Edimax, wouldn't reliably switch back and forth between client and AP mode, though I am not 100% sure about that, and I am not sure it hasn't been fixed. But like I said, I beat my head against that rock a while, sometimes working and other times not (inexplicably) but after I changed to the RT-5370 based WiFI adapter it worked reliably for me.

As far as the software reset, you could try that, BUT I warn you that the HM will restore your config to the freshly imaged SD card at first boot making your effort useless, unless you use the NO RESTORE option... Look that up in the wiki for info.
It's the adapter, I'm 99% sure now.

Why? Well, I can get it to AP mode, but no security, can't hide SSID, can't switch to most channels, etc. This adapter, while antenna'd, clearly has serious shortcomings. That sucks I can't hide the SSID.
I'm well aware.

However, my original speculation was that security itself was the only thing not working, and that I was stuck with hosting an open AP. Because of that, my next best solution for security is to turn off the ssid broadcast. Remember, there's a separate login to change any of the settings, so my worry isn't about the heatermeter getting hacked. The idea here was to simply keep people off the AP in general. We're gonna have over 100,000 people down there so I'd prefer the easiest way to keep people away from it in general.

If things get hairy with an open network, I'm going to config it wirelessly then pull the adapter plug so it's all physical controls. It's just not the optimal solution.
Yeah unfortunately those are all from Hong Kong or China. I ordered the Panda adapter recommended in Bryan's guides, which uses the same chipset as the Comfast you linked to. It arrives tomorrow. I'll give it a test Wednesday on site. Thanks for the recommendation, we'll see how it goes.

Do I need to install any packages or make any changes other than deleting and re-adding interfaces? I wanna be prepared here. Something tells me I need to install some drivers.
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I discovered same issue with HM in AP Mode. I just went un-encrypted instead. HM interface is protected via password anyway and I rarely use AP mode (only when I take my smoker camping).

