HM 4.2.4 3D Printed Case

Has anybody tried printing the case in PLA and then annealing to give better heat resistance? If so, what scale did you print at?
I've tried annealing 4.2 and 4.3 cases maybe 10 times between the two and never got anything usable out of it. It doesn't shrink like a shrinky-dink where the size stays proportional, it just gets all warped and awful and the thin posts between the ports just droop over like al dente linguine before anything else gets to temperature. There may be a magic combination of temperature and time that makes it work but I wasn't able to stumble upon it using my convection oven's dehydrate mode (which has a pretty even heat distribution).
I think Melvin may have been referring to the button cap itself. I don't know how easy it would be to 3D print and get it to work like the original that snaps on, but it should be pretty easy to make one that can be glued on using the dimensions in the datasheet. And done! 1 minute flat. You may need to adjust the 3.8 to make the square a bit bigger if the tolerances don't line up.
difference() {
  cylinder(7, d=9.5, $fn=36);
  translate([-3.8/2, -3.8/2, -1]) cube([3.8, 3.8, 2.8+1]);


I think Melvin may have been referring to the button cap itself. I don't know how easy it would be to 3D print and get it to work like the original that snaps on, but it should be pretty easy to make one that can be glued on using the dimensions in the datasheet. And done! 1 minute flat. You may need to adjust the 3.8 to make the square a bit bigger if the tolerances don't line up.
difference() {
  cylinder(7, d=9.5, $fn=36);
  translate([-3.8/2, -3.8/2, -1]) cube([3.8, 3.8, 2.8+1]);

Thank you so much! I finally jumped in on 3D printing, I am now trying to print everything under the sun :)

