High Heat BB Ribs with Bacon Wrapped Fingerling Potatoes


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
One rack of BB Ribs coated with Bone Suckin Sauce rub.

Put onto the WSM following K.Kruger’s high heat BB recipe HERE with a little variation, no water pan, just a drip pan.
1 chunk of pecan split into 4 smaller pieces.

My wife saw a recipe on Pinterest for bacon wrapped new potatoes. Had a bag of fingerlings and
the bacon so they were wrapped and sprinkled with powdered ranch dressing mix. Put them onto skewers
so they were easier to rotate during the cook.

Ribs done in exactly 2 hours, 15 minutes.

Potatoes onto the smoker.

Potatoes off the smoker.

Plated with corn on the cob and baked beans.

Ribs were excellent, juicy with a nice crunch and good smoke ring. Potatoes were fantastic!

Thanks for looking!
Wow Mike! That looks SOOOOOO good! Can't go wrong if you start with KK's tips/techniques, but you NAILED those ribs! And the bacon-wrapped spuds, well, that's brilliant! Yet so simple. Thanks for sharing, Mike!
Those ribs look great, I assume you foiled for a bit? What temp did you cook with? My girlfriend is starting to get annoyed with my 10pm dinners, perhaps this will help.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by John Boehm:
Those ribs look great, I assume you foiled for a bit? What temp did you cook with? My girlfriend is starting to get annoyed with my 10pm dinners, perhaps this will help. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

John, I pretty much follow Kevin Kruger's high heat rib cook HERE. Like I said earlier best ribs I have done. Just started my minion with about 20 lit, a few chunks of pecan, and put the ribs on right out of the fridge. No water pan or clay pot, just a drip pan. You can't go wrong following Mr. Kruger's advice. Hope this helps and I know what you mean about 10pm dinners.
Mike, those are some great looking ribs. I have 6 racks in the freezer. Gotta get my mini-WSM done so I can have some pork goodness.
how i missed this post, i musta been on bonoverdose or some other weird shiRt...
Mike, you are <STRIKE>becoming</STRIKE> now my favourite cook in this forum!!
Your photos and your cookin' and your fresh ideas are kickin' ### here!

please do not slow down.....

