Hi from the UK


Paul Taylor

New member
Hi all. My name is Paul from London, England.

Been grilling on Webers for years but found this place when trying to work out what to do with my new SJG that does not get hot enough. I have ended up ordering a bottom damper and we will go from there.

Many thanks for the great resource you guys have here.
Welcome to the forum Paul. You are right, this is a great resource and there are many good people here to get to know. Congrats on the new SJG.
Welcome Paul. This place is indeed a great resource. Look forward to seeing your SJG mods & cooks.
Welcome to the forum Paul! I'm using a Smokey Joe Silver and a small Weber chimney starter.

I've noticed that I need to completely fill the small chimney starter because if the coals aren't close enough together in the Joe, the fire doesn't get hot.

The bottom damper may help too!

