Hey my fellow gasers! Question for regarding an old school 330 and a NG fitting

Jim, I think you are on the right track. The way I test Genesis 1000 and Silver B grills is to use a 3/64" drill bit. If the shank of the bit fits in the orifice hole, it is NG. If it does not fit, it is LP. However, I do not know for sure if Weber uses the same size orifices on the E3xx grills as they did on the 1000's and Silver B's.
I think it will be VERY close since the BTU ratings are similar
Jim, I think you are on the right track. The way I test Genesis 1000 and Silver B grills is to use a 3/64" drill bit. If the shank of the bit fits in the orifice hole, it is NG. If it does not fit, it is LP. However, I do not know for sure if Weber uses the same size orifices on the E3xx grills as they did on the 1000's and Silver B's.
The burners on my silver B are 12,000 BTU.

Main burners on my E330 are 12,666 BTU and sear burner is 10,000 BTU

I would then think, the orifice size on the main burners should be close in size for Bruce's drill bit test.
This may be a dumb question but the hell with it..................with the BTU differences did Weber sell regulators that varied for each grill? When I am purchasing regulators for flips I have just been sticking with the learned info here......11WC regs....and they usually say 1psi...........so what changes the BTU on each burner? The orifice size?
Yah, it is primarily the orifice size. You can run a Q100 off the same hose and regulator as you do a Genesis 3 burner grill.
@JimV there's a lot of good info in this thread. https://tvwbb.com/threads/how-to-gas-conversion.82839/

When I converted my 2016 E330 from LP to NG last year, LP manifolds were not available from any of the reputable dealers, and a used eBay one was around $150 plus shipping, so I did an orifice swap with a normal regulator and it works fine.

I don't think it throttles down to low temps as well as an original LP version but I haven't tested it side by side.

A friend has an E310 that is propane and I'm going to be tearing it apart to do some rust remediation soon. Since the E310 main burners and valves are the same as the E330 main burners, I hope to do a detailed comparison.

All the disclaimers and warnings etc should be heeded but that said I really like my front control E-330.
This may be a dumb question but the hell with it..................with the BTU differences did Weber sell regulators that varied for each grill? When I am purchasing regulators for flips I have just been sticking with the learned info here......11WC regs....and they usually say 1psi...........so what changes the BTU on each burner? The orifice size?
First off when they say 1 psi understand that is not the working pressure. 1 psi is = nearly 28"WC! Obviously WAY too much. IDK why that rating is there unless that means there is a safety trip at that pressure. Flow is regulated as a matched system between the regulator, internal orifices in the valve and the main orifice on the outlet of the valve. Sorry it is complicated but yet simple all at the same time. Once you grasp it, it's truly pretty easy to work around it.
Ok so I finished my modern resto this evening on the 330 Special ed.........Man those newer grills just seem like an easier resto all together and they can be quite profitable. I paid $50 for this one and installed clearance burners....clearance bars.....and just restored the ss grates via wire wheel. Given the clearance prices I am into this grill for $100 and I am selling for $400.....That is one rare flipper for me. Anywho......I was asking u guys about the possibilities of this grill being converted to NG and tonight I hooked it up via a regulator to a propane tank. She fired right up but my guess is she is NG.....she was no flame thrower but the flames were quiet....yet 2 to 2 1/2" at the tips......I dont believe a propane 330 would normally have flames that high. I would definitely not call the grill dangerous with these flames in the right hands but I advertised on FB tonight as NG. I will include pics of the flames.
I also made my own burner heat shield that the 330 uses due to the 3 burners being so close together......The parts places wanted around $30 for the heat shield....screw that. I made mine from pretty thick aluminum and I also made my own bars for this grill by cutting down longer bars that were on clearance at one time.....I grinded a fade in the bar to let heat escape vs pinning the heat against the cook box.....that was how the OEM bars were so I copied it. I will include pics of my custom bars.....the flames.....and the heat shield......20220220_144310.jpg20220220_142416.jpg20220220_175453.jpg
I dont know if you will be able to see the flames very well but here they are......am I right ? Is it NG? Can u tell from the flames running on a propane tank with I assume converted NG orifices
I know its hard to see......I will take a night pic tonight of the flames. A buddy of mine has the same grill in propane....I will take a look at his to compare. Some of these flames reach 3" tall but thats just the tips......but these flames are def taller then I am used to seeing.
Ya sorry its hard to see....but they were fluffy 2 to 3" at the tips.........not wild and making noise like when a wrong regulator is hooked up but un tuned quiet fluffy flames ......I already have 2 replies to my add a a NG grill. Unfortunately I will have to deliver.......assist home owner with hook up to their NG hose.......then fire up and watch the flames to be sure that they look good.
Yah, that is one reason I resist rehabbing NG grills. I have no way to test them before offering them for sale.
When I do get a NG grill, I just swap out the manifold and add in the necessary other items like the tank hanger to turn it into an LP grill.

Jim, It is good you plan to personally deliver, hook up and tune the grill when you sell it.
Ya I prefer to deliver my resto's. All that work ...all that detail......I just cant stand to have someone lay the grill down in a suv or small truck. Then on the other end I dont know if the burners have shifted....or starter is dislodged...who knows what a homeowner will screw up. I deliver them all and literally give them a 10 minute walk through of how it works....safety checks.....etc.......then I fire it up so we both see it works perfectly. I normally dont restore NG's ...this one was a special case and it was clearly propane when it was sold.....it has the hole for the tank.....it had a regulator laying in the bottom of the grill....and the sticker said EP330........so I guess the guy just converted it.
I have only delivered a few of my rehabs. The problem with my area is that it is pretty rural and many of my rehabs go to places 50+ miles away. A few have gone out of state. I do charge a small fee for local (within 25 miles) delivery, but if I have to drive much more than that, I up the fee. I have delivered more than one grill to the Minneapolis area which is over 200 miles away. It works good for me since my sister lives up there and collects grills and parts for me which I then can pick up and take off her hands and then I don't have to charge too much for delivery up there since I am combining trips.
Wow Bruce no wonder you dont do resto's in the winter months......you live up north! Thats a different kind of cold up there. Well the jury is still out on propane or NG for this grill of mine. I had my buddy send me a vid of the exact same grill ( with original burners installed ) He sent me a vid of his flames at night which I will try to include here.....the flame look high to me....but the same as my grill. I will also include a vid of my grill ( with new China burners installed ) fired up at night so u can see the flames. This is a pic of my grill


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That doesn't look too bad. A little heavy on the yellow tips on the top two, but that could be caused by wind. The third one down looks about perfect.

