Herb crusted rack of lamb



TVWBB Olympian
This is the second one I bought last month. It’s going down tonight!

Scored the fat cap then loaded up with evoo, ground herbs and S and P.

Sitting out for 30 minutes. Grill is warming up.

Going with some ‘Gus and vino for the drink.


And some fresh garlic bread. Irish butter, evoo, fresh crushed garlic and pecorino cheese on top. Costco ciabatta is the base.

I keep saying I’m going to try some lamb again and this might be the post that gets me over the hump! Beautiful!
The rub was EVOO spread onto the rack as the binder, Italian herbs, dried home grown rosemary, celery seed run through the spice mill. Then topped with fresh ground black pepper and sprinkled with kosher salt.

Let the dry rub sit fro 30-60 minutes on the countertop. Then onto direct heat on a very hot grill. Keep the bones off direct heat so the don’t break. Move and flip the rack. Sear the ends too. Then move to indirect fro 10-15 minutes.

Start probing for IT. The back onto direct heat for multiple flips and moves. Do get the bones over direct heat but in very short bursts.

I pulled at 127° IT, tented and rested the rack fro 10 minutes before slicing.

The wine, the lamb, the fat, the ‘Gus, the garlic bread… Easily a $36 plate at a good restaurant.

Wife and I demolished this rack. Pure happiness. Amazing flavors.

Go for it. You have substantial skills to pull this off.

