Helpin A Fellow Q'er Out

Wow talk a pressure filled cook!! I am sure that everyone on this forum feels they could pull this cook off! But when your feet are held to the fire to pull it off. Great job guys!!
Thanks for the kind words and wishes guys, Couple seemed happy that's the main thing!

John only slacked off on the beverage's for the one photo.....i can assure you lol

Karl - snorkel on pick-up is used for wheeling keeps water and dust out of air-filter / engine...that wasn't mine by the way..i rolled up in my Grand Cherokee

Jim they was Lonnnnnng spares!

That's about all the photos i was too Full on!

Saw this a few days ago and wanted to be sure to comment - just a great story Glen. You're a good "neighbor"!! Excellent post and photos sir!

