Help with Brisket - Need a quick answer


Adam E

New member
Hi all, I'm in the middle of a high heat brisket and was wondering where to check the temp.

It's coming up on 2 hours at about 350 and need to check temps soon. I've read that you check the flat, but I've also read to check the fattest part in the point.

What's the consensus around here?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Adam E:
Hi all, I'm in the middle of a high heat brisket and was wondering where to check the temp.

It's coming up on 2 hours at about 350 and need to check temps soon. I've read that you check the flat, but I've also read to check the fattest part in the point.

What's the consensus around here? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do both...Check the flat from the side.
Thanks Bill, but what temp am I looking for? Is it the flat that should be 170° before foiling?

Well, I just checked and the flat is at 167° and the point is 130°.

What's my plan of attack?

Sorry to be so woefully unprepared.
Well I've never done a HH so I can't help you there. And I don't foil. But here's where I differ from most. I pull my briskets out in the mid 170's to low 180's. No problem with tenderness or juiciness. Well since you have such a difference in temps, maybe separating the point and pulling the flat out for a while.

If you think you're unprepared, you should read my post's from my first brisket cook, which I think was my first cook in a smoker
I'd foil it when the flat hits 170, cook for another 2 to 2.5 hrs until fork tender, then let it rest for a while still wrapped in foil.
Temp at 167 go ahead and double foil the brisky, no need to check temps anymore, now all you are going to do is check for tenderness. How tender you want it is up to you, good luck.
Adam, sorry so late on the inquiry but you check the temp at the thickest part of the flat. Foil when that temp is between 160-170. Check every half hour to forty five minutes after you foil for probe tender in the flat. When the probe goes in with little resistance she be done. Remove point for burnt ends at that point. put meat in cooler to rest

