Help - Question for Smoking Ham


Steve Zeitz

TVWBB Member
Guys, I want to smoke a whole ham for the Holiday's and can't find one locally. It's too late to order one and I can only find 1/2 hams ready to cook. Any suggestions on how to modify the smoking process, such as will smoking two half hams change the cooking time? Will they be more prone to drying out? Any and all advice is much appreciated. Thanks. Steve
It's likely the cook time will be less, but it will depend on the size of the 1/2 hams.

"Drying out" is a result of overcooking - period. Don't overcook and you need not be concerned.
I have been tempted to try adding smoke flavor to a pre-cooked ham using either Kingsford alone or maybe Kingsford with a couple of chunks of applewood, in hopes of getting a MILD smoke flavor. I know that if you smoke one over oak or hickory wood only, the smoke can be overpowering. Have had that, and it wasn't too sporty!


