Help Please - Thawing Frozen Cooked Briskets


Russ O

New member
I apologize in advance if this has been asked repeatedly. I tried to use the "find" feature, but it said it was unavailable.

About 6 weeks ago I smoked three briskets for a school fundraiser. The event was postponed, so I froze the briskets. Now I need to thaw them and reheat them. My questions:

1. Is the refrigerator the best place to thaw the briskets?

2. How long should it take to thaw a 10lb brisket?

3. What's the preferred temp to re-heat them at in the oven? I was thinking 300, but I thought I'd ask those that might know a lot more than I.

4. At the above-mentioned ideal temperature, how long should it take to re-heat a 10lb brisket? I'll have access to two ovens, so I won't have to stuff them all in one.

I know that's a lot of questions, but I want to make sure I don't screw it up and disappoint a bunch of people.

Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.

Are they whole or did you slice/pull them before you froze them? If they are whole I cannot help you, I always slice/pull mine before freezing.
About 6 weeks ago I smoked three briskets for a school fundraiser. The event was postponed, so I froze the briskets. Now I need to thaw them and reheat them. My questions:

1. Is the refrigerator the best place to thaw the briskets?

2. How long should it take to thaw a 10lb brisket?

3. What's the preferred temp to re-heat them at in the oven? I was thinking 300, but I thought I'd ask those that might know a lot more than I.
250F to 300F preferably in covered pans ( foil will work) with a generous splash of fruit juice.

4. At the above-mentioned ideal temperature, how long should it take to re-heat a 10lb brisket? I'll have access to two ovens, so I won't have to stuff them all in one.
I'd reheat to 150F prior to slicing if possible use a temp probe if you overheat it will dry the meat out. I'd figure 2-3 hours .

I know that's a lot of questions, but I want to make sure I don't screw it up and disappoint a bunch of people.

Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.

See Kevin's safety tips at the top of this thread. He recommends reheating right from the frozen stage, with no thawing in between. For example, if the briskets are sealed watertight, reheat them in boiling water. That could be dodgy with a big hunk o' meat.

If you must thaw, do it in the fridge.

