Help!! need input and others experiences to finish 60 lb butt cook


Tom Raveret

Starting this as a new thread as I can't figure out how to change the header on the one I started for the cook.

My first venture into cooking 8 butts on my WSM is quickly turning into a debacle.

After 19 hours the temps of the Butts are in the 170's and hey are nowhere near being done.

I cooked at 225 overnight and refueled in the morning turning the WSM up to 235 (using a cyber-q ATC). This afternoon added more coals a second time and ran it up to 245 then 250 but the meat temps (checked in several places with thermapen) still are around 170 that was 19 hours into the cook I'm at 21 hours in now.

I saw that the bottom is full of ash residue and decided to take the top and middle off, dump my ash into one of my kettles and fill the ring with fresh charcoal. That all went surprisingly smooth. I took some of the remaining hot coals to re-minion my smoker and Temps just came back to 225 now.

Could this really take two overnights? I know it was 60 lb of meat but I didn't really think it would take that long???

What do you think I should do? Let it ride or foil the meat to finish? I'm not working tommorow so there is not a pending emergency and can get up and check a few times overnight and when they reach temp, foil them and pack em in a cooler and get up and pull in the morning.

Has anyone else ever had a cook that just wouldn't finish? How would you suggest I finish this cook?
using the cyber-q's meat probe

The Weber supplied thermomether in the top says 225 the cyber-q meat probe says 240 right now
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Are the butts around 9lb each?

Well, I think use about 1.5hr/lb at 275 so yea, big butts, low temp, no wrapping during the stall. The good news is you're probably through the stall and it should speed up. I'd raise the temp or put them in the oven; not go overnight again.

Also, really look into cooking at a higher temp. They'll start to dry out after cooking for that long.
Sugar burns at 350 so that's not a problem. If you want to finish them as fast as possible yes, foil them with a little liquid. But raise that temp. If I were you I'd get it as high as possible (below 350) and finish this cook.
are you using both of your WSMs? I see you have two in your sig. based on the temps you're posting, i'm guessing you have a serious air flow issue. sounds like your coals are snuffing out before being fully consumed. even w/just the 22.5 for those butts, no way you should be adding that much charcoal and still have your temps that low.
Only using the 22.5 and may break out the foil shortly and finish. I think part of the problem is 8 large butts was too much. Coals arent snuffing out I havent had an issue that required me to restart the cooker just refuel.

My better choice might have been to use both smokers and put two or three in the 18 and keep the rest in the 22. lol that's why I upgraded to the cyber-q in the first place because it runs two wsm's simultaneously.

Thats the wonder of this entertainment. Trial and error can still be tasty... now off to foil
Only using the 22.5 and may break out the foil shortly and finish. I think part of the problem is 8 large butts was too much. Coals arent snuffing out I havent had an issue that required me to restart the cooker just refuel.

My better choice might have been to use both smokers and put two or three in the 18 and keep the rest in the 22. lol that's why I upgraded to the cyber-q in the first place because it runs two wsm's simultaneously.

Thats the wonder of this entertainment. Trial and error can still be tasty... now off to foil

based on that, i'd say that the butt temps aren't rising because they're essentially insulating each other. meaning i'm guessing the air is not flowing around/between them enough to heat them fast enough.
I have no idea why it's taking so long.
I would take 4 and put them in your oven @ 350 and finish them there.
Ok I successfully got all 8 off and they did fit in the oven. I have the oven at 300 right now. I haven't oven finished so I need some suggestions on how long? is that the right temp? and should I still rest in the cooler after the oven or is that not necessary....

Wow for an old fart out here I feel like a rookie again!!

And thanks for all the ideas and help!
Tom, keep them in that oven at 300ºF until they reach an internal temp of at least 190ºF to pull.
I would, at that time, turn off the oven, leaving them inside, doing nothing to them at all for at least another hour...
If you want to skip that idea and sleep... then, foil them, after the internal temp reaches 190, with the oven off, leaving them inside until morning THEN pull the butts to finish them.
looks like its going to be a late night!!! I'm worried that leaving them in the oven til morning could let temps drop into the danger zone.

my next thought is how to safely chill all this meat after cooking it. I cleaned out a cooler and picked up 30 lb of Ice so after I pull each shoulder I'll zip lock it and put it down in the cooler between a layer of ice then transfer to the fridge a little later.
8 butts on a WSM isn't a problem. I've done it with great success, all 65 pounds worth. Sorry to read through your troubles. Butts that size will hold a long time, like 6 hours, wrapped up in a cooler. Good luck with the rest of your cook.
All's well that ends well!!! Finished pulling about 2 am I'll finish talking about the cook on the thread I started about the cook titled "First 8 butt cook"

Thank you very much for all the help with finishing this challenging but very productive cook.

