HELP!! need 1 wheel caster plastic INSERT to frame for Genesis Gold C model # 3261001



HELP!! need 1 wheel caster plastic INSERT to frame for 2000 Genesis Gold C model # 3261001

This piece will measure 1.25" x 2.5" The caster wheel is #97112. this insert is BIGGER than the plastic insert for the standard 1000's (#65936/6414)

Let me know if you have an extra? or where I can get one? thx!!!!!!!!!!
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HELP!! need 1 wheel caster plastic INSERT to frame for Genesis Gold C model # 3261001

This piece will measure 1.25" x 2.5" The caster wheel is #97112. this insert is BIGGER than the plastic insert for the standard 1000's (#65936/6414)

Let me know if you have an extra? or where I can get one? thx!!!!!!!!!!


Try you can search by make and model.

This appears to be the early 2000s oddball Genesis Gold that used a 3" caster.

The insert number appears to be 97362 which has since been discontinued. The caster itself, while still available, does not come with the insert.
Would the wheels off a Genesis E3xx fit? I know they are significantly larger than Genesis 1000 or Silver series grills. Not sure if the inserts are bigger though.
to dave..yes! unfort. thats what I assumed! I buy tons of 6414 for 1000 restoration..i just didn't think to ask! unfort. now weber no longer makes this caster insert!!! uggg..time to fabricate
For those that need a visual of what Mark is going through... take a look at the 2000-2001 Gold where the caster is:


See that leg on the left? It's HUGE. No, a regular caster insert is not going to fit.
JKIM: thanks for that photo. It makes it a lot easier to know exactly what we are dealing with here. Yah, that leg is clearly not the standard 1000/Silver B frame leg. I have never come across a weber with that kind of frame. That is one pretty grill.
Is it just me or is the side table mounted differently. I never payed attention before but now I'm noticing it is mounted to the top of the leg, like it slides in. Same with the side burner. Perhaps that's why the legs are larger on that model.
If you can't find the insert you could fill the leg with a block of wood (or rubber / bondo / epoxy) & drill it out for the caster's pin.
Clint...GOOD CALL! that is my next step if need be...I'll use some hard oak wood, and gorilla glue for good measure!! ALSO: here is before/and after 1st wash! overall, grill in great shape!! I'll post final pics when I'm done painting it.....


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OK - It's been a while since this topic was last posted too, but... I have Summit 650 (2004 vintage) and I think that it has the same caster insert and wheel. There is a 3D printer part posted on Thangs courtesy of John McConnell. Search for "Old Weber summit gril caster holder" on Thangs. I used it to replace both caster inserts for our Summit 650. Cost was about $40 per piece to have them 3D printed from polycarbonate filament (PC). Grill resides in Arizona, and despite being 20 years old, it's still in pristine condition - did not want to have to stop using it or go with a jury rigged solution for wheels...It's too early to tell how they will hold up, but sharing this option with everyone, because $80 to repair the grill is a whole lot less than $3,500 to replace it.

Photos of the printed parts below...


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