Help me decide

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Andy_D:
Its me again - I've been seeing these WSM units you guys are talking about.

I am very interested.

Can the lid be taken off of these for grilling? I'm kind of thinking of a smoker with the ability to sometimes grill, instead of trying to smoke and slow cook with a kettle.

In keeping with a tradition that I see on here alot that I like, tonight's dinner from the grill.

Grilled tbone with asparagus in balsamic vinegrette, garlic french bread and a side of Meditarianian salad with feta cheese. And of course, a couple bottles of wine

i use a 22" one touch silver kettle and a WSM. the cheaper smaller kettles you can get at walmart around 59$ give or take make a nice partner to the WSM. amazon is selling them now for 89$. i got mine several years ago and it is still going strong.

while you CAN grill on the wsm by using only the bottom section i believe, it doesnt really lend itself to such a thing.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brad W:
As someone who sells Webers and can buy any Weber for 10%+cost, I can tell you which one I would get.

In the states the OTG 22.5 retails for less than half of the Performer. The Performer is very nice but if I was to jump into charcoal, I would go with the OTG over the Performer. While the features of the Performer over the OTG are nice, your final experience (how the food taste) won't be different and if on a budget, the OTG is a great value and the way to go IMO.

Referring to my first sentence, I would also go for the OTG personally for a variety of reasons and will be getting another new OTG in a month or two. Not dissing the Performer, just that the OTG will get you to the same final result for a much cheaper price. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I bought my OTG 22 1/2" new a couple of years ago here in Costa Rica. It cost me $200.00 in Costa Rican money,but, money well spent! I use it at least 5 times a month due to ease of use and consistency in turning-out good grilled food over charcoal!


WSM(Old Model),OTG 22 1/2" with Smokenator
not sure how i missed the post above mine but that is neat as hell!! i am gonna try grilling on mine this weekend!! i have been all over this site reading everything i guess i just missed that page on grilling with the wsm. and i even have a rusted middle grate to cook with heh. the height above the coals looks much closer than the OTS i have making for better searing.
My Performer Story:

I've been wanting a Performer for quite some time. I have the basic model with that pain-in-the *** ash catcher that is sometimes hard to dump and install.

So I've been going to Ace Hardware since Christmas looking at the Performer, touching it, pretending it's mine, putting the lid in the cradle. etc. One time a manager told me they put them on sale LAST year at the end of March for $100 off. So i've been going in about twice a month to visit. Last weekend, another employee said she could look at two ads ahead, but didn't see any sale coming up. She did say, for that day only, they were having a scratch off thing for up to 20% off of the $329 cost. I told her I'd take it if I could get the 20% off. She scratched things till she got one. So I saved $66 dollars. and by joining their buyers program I'll get two $5 gift cards, which will help pay for the EXPENSIVE Performer cover. For now, it's sitting in the garage, and its way to perty to use!
My wife really liked it too, thank goodness.
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