Hello, my name is Rick and I'm a smoker


Rick Wolf

New member
<hi Rick>

My last smoke was Sunday. It was a small brisket and it was delicious.

I've already spent some time mining the forums for information. I think I could (and will!) burn (pun) many hours using this forum as a resource.
Welcome Rick. This forum is a great resource. Take some pictures and post them up.
Welcome to the forum Rick. This forum is a great resource and the people here are very friendly. What smoker are you using? Just curious.
I purchased the mid-sized (18") WSM about a week and half ago. So far I've done a 6 1/2 lb pork shoulder, some pork ribs and a small brisket, all mostly for practice. This weekend we'll have some guests for another pork shoulder and some college football. I like the experimentation part of this because there are so many opinions and so many ways you can try things.
Rick welcome to the forum. looking forward to seeing some cooks and don't forget lots of pics. Welcome again and just have been cooking.

