Hello from Northern VA


Teresa T

New member
I have a Weber Skyline series that I love to use. It's pushing 15 years old but it keeps on kickin. Replaced the grates and flavor bars but other than that..it's great.
The local propane dealer sells new grills and I was thinking about buying a new one a few years ago. The old timer there said the newer Webers aren't "worth a darn". He told me to keep the one I have and just replace the parts.
He said the newer ones get too hot and are hard to control. I think he's right since I know two people with newer models and I've had trouble using both of them. Both had to replace their handles within 2 years. Now that's hot!!
Welcome from Loudoun County. :)
I prefer the older Genesis myself, but don't see anything wrong with the new one either.
Welcome from up north! Keep that old gas grill. If you want to spend some money on a charcoal grill or smoker you will add some versatility to your bbq. I cooked on nothing but propane for years , but now I'm really getting to like the charcoal. Anyhow , welcome and good luck. :wsm:
Teresa, if you like, swing over to charcoal grilling, it's more of a challenge and a bit more fun with great results....
Any or all questions to ease you into that process can be handled right here, with no sweat involved.
However you go, Welcome to our backyard, we're happy to have you with us, Enjoy your stay!

