Hello from Massachusetts!


George E

New member
Hello from Framingham. Just finished my first cook on the WSM 22 with 2 slabs of spares and 2 slabs of loinbacks. Came out great but I learned a lot about heat management. I'll have plenty of questions when I start using my DigiQ 2.

I'm looking forward to getting a 22" OTG in green pretty soon. The idea of Filipino BBQ pork on sticks is sealing the deal!

On a side note, has anyone heard from Brian Oneal regarding wood handle orders? I'd love to order a bunch, I hope he still makes them.


Welcome !

I had a whole chicken roasting on the OTG the other day.
Then I had that aroma/memory jog thing happen.....reminded me of walking toward Fenway and smelling all the wonderful aromas from the food carts.
Welcome George! There is a guy called Lawn Ranger in Texas that makes some pretty cool wood handles too.

