Hello from Maine


Roy Allen

New member
Just received my Weber 18.5 yesterday. Can't wait to get started. I just joined this forum, so any hints from people who have learned from experience on best charcoal, best techniques, I am an eager learner! Thanks! Roy
Welcome Roy
You get a lot of help here both from reading other post and feedback on your cooks or questions. It has helped me a lot, especially when I got my 18.5 WSM
Welcome to the group Roy. You'll get plenty of help around here, I myself try to answer as many questions as possible and on the rare occasion I'm right.
You are going to find lots of good information here. Whatever you plan to cook, just look it up. Because the guys ( and a few gals) before us on this site have so much knowledge by trial and error, it's so easy to become a competent griller by just reading their posts.

