Hello from Guilford, CT


Bill Sennett

New member
Bill Sennett from Guilford, CT happy to be a new member. My equipment is Weber Smokey Mountain 22 1/2 which I have owned for about two months.

One question for anyone who wishes to reply. I have seen Harry Soo on tv and have gone to his website for recipes and direction. I am more interested in "how to" information like, for example, when do you wrap for this or that meat, than your favorite sauce recipe. Does anyone have a favorite how to book that covers what I am looking for?

Thanks in advance

Welcome to the forums Bill! I don't have a simple answer for what you're looking for - all I can suggest is to follow the Barbecuing, Grilling and Photo Gallery forums for others suggestions and tips, or just post a question, sit back and watch all of the helpful people here come to your aid!
Welcome Bill! If you are up for a trip to California, Harry puts on BBQ classes. You get a book at the end to bring home
so you can remember what you learned.

