Hello from Germany


Fabian Esser

New member
Hi there,
I'm Fabian from Leverkusen in Western Germany.
My Dad got a 22.5 Master Touch GBS.
But from the Day he got it he left the Pitch for me:cool:
From this Day i get infected with the BBQ-Virus.

Keep Smokin

Welcome Fabian. Hope you enjoy it here. You live in a great country and a fantastic area. I used to do business with a company in Reimscheid and visited that area once a month for 3 years. Very nice.
Welcome Fabian !
I have vacationed in München.
There is no cure for the BBQ-virus.

BBQ and German beer....now there's a great combo !
Willkommen an Bord. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Küche.

-- I was stationed in Germany three years ('87-'90) (then Italy three years) and loved every minute. I was in Mannheim, but traveled throughout Europe. I especially loved Heidelberg. My favorite beer was Woinemer Hausbraurei in Weinheim. I have a German Alt beer in the fermenter now. I can not wait to try it! --
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Thank you all for your kind welcoming.

Ray Crick: Youre right Remscheid is very near to me and its a beautiful area, especially if youre Mountainbiking like me.

Joe F: You say it, German Beer and BBQ is a wonderful combo.

Dwain Pannell: I've never taste it sadly, but i'll give it a try if i will be in this area next time. Over the Easter Days i go to Nürnberg for a short Holiday and to Support my favourite Football(Soccer)Team.
Best opportunity to try the famous original Nürnberger Bratwürstchen and regional beer, especially Weizen/Weissbeer. Nice try your Altbeer, it's not everyones Taste but i like it too.
Did you ever have tried Kölsch, the Beer from Region around Cologne? The Altbeer is the opponent which comes from Düsseldorf, 50 kilometers away.

It's very nice to hear that the one's who stayed here in Germany have had a great time.
I have had Kölsch and like it also. I've not brewed the style yet but I have brewed a Wit (Belgium's wheat beer). Summer will be perfect for a Kölsch.

Zum Wohl!

Zum Wohl!

Have fun with your fermenter and your homebrewed beer, im thinking about to make a komebrew, too
A wit is a delicious beer,too. I have had it when i were at luxembourg.

Keep Smokin:wsm:

Welcome Fabian! Trust me,there are much nastier bugs than the bbq virus,but none as fun! :D
I also was in Germany years ago,1984-'86,in Butzbach.
Fabian, Yes I enjoyed Rhemscheid. I was also a hubschrauber pilot in the USArmy and in Germany from 1962 until 1964. Thoroughly enjoyed Germany and my oldest daughter was born in Neubrucke (SW of Idar-Oberstein near Brucken). I used to go to Idar for speissbrauten. The airfield I was at was west of Baumholder and was an old glider pilot field (Hoppstadten).

I have mant fond memoties of those days when I flew all over Germany..... good times.

On trips in the early 90's I fell in love with schwein axe - a good beer, schwein axe, and sauerktraut. Yum!

By the way - my last name is German - Crickenberger

I know you will love it here.

Zum vohl!
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