


This is a view back to the beginning of summer. We had a visit in the garden.
While the youngest son admired this nice pet...


...dad has prepared some chops for a quick lunch

topped only with S&P&EVOO


potatoes and onions in the pan get ahead


quickly sear


partially mash potatoes


meat top on the potatoes


added mixture of cheese (blue cheese + gouda - 50/50)
and be patient cca 10 min




No pictures plating, i am sorry
so at least this picture for an idea :)


Thanks for viewing and have a nice weekend
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I have been to Prague several times, and I always buy at least one pork chop meal, because of the quality of your meat.
I think that your cooking skills may bring the meat to yet another level. Very nice.
LOLOL, when I first saw the post and your son looking at the hedgehog I thought, "Oh God, Dad took the little guy and butchered him for dinner......" Ha, I think I'd eat hedgehog though! Adventurous eating is awesome and the best!

But seriously those are some good looking chops. Never had pork chops with melted cheese on it, but to say that I am a good cheese fan is an understatement, with blue being my absolute bane. I could eat it till I was as big and bloated as a barn.

What kind of blue did you use though? My favorite these days is Mirablue or Gabriel Coulet, both of which are at Whole Foods. A lot of people push Rogue Creameries Smokey Blue, but the texture and flavor just isn't funky enough to me. If I am going to buy blue cheese I want the stuff to be EXTREMELY pungent, almost to the point of ammoniated tasting. I guess that most people have more delicate tastes than I do though and aren't as big of fans of strong flavors. Pork liver, chitlins, or beef heart? Tripe, pork maw, or crawfish heads? Yes please. :)
Maybe I'm disappointed someone, maybe someone was pleased but I will not cook this animal - never. (probably...:))
Thank you for the kind words, after a long time it was very enjoyable for me.
RCBaughn - If it were not so expensive I would definitely use the original French Roquefort. It's my no.1. This was used from a local floodplain Czech production - Golden Niva, 50/50 with Gouda.
Thanks again to everyone. (five days and is here again Friday:wsm:)

