Heatermeter on Arduino Yun



New member
Going with the recommendation of Steve_M, I'm placing this post here in the Linkmeter sub-forum instead of the more general ATC forum...

I have read up on dozens of homemade smoker controllers and the HM/rPi is the most impressive I've come across. The challenge is that I am overseas and it is going to be tricky/expensive for me to get a HM board over here. tTat being said, I have easy access to Arduino boards and I think it would be really cool to get this running on an Arduino Yun. The HM/rPi setup and the Arduino Yun seem to have enough similarities that getting this project to run on a Yun should be doable. Maybe I am mistaken about this, or oversimplifying things, but both the HM/rPi and Yun seem to have an Arduino side in communication with an OpenWRT side. It seems plausible that, with some work, Bryan's Heatermeter code could be adapted to the Yun. So, this leads to my first question:

1) When comparing the HM/rPi to the Yun hardware, is there any inherent roadblock will make it impossible to run HM on a Yun?

Assuming the answer is no, I figure a good look into the Linux-side software and the Arduino-side software would help illuminate the way to making a HM Yun a reality. I have the HM img file on a flash drive, but I would love to see what becomes of the image once it is loaded onto an SD card and used to boot up the HM/rPi. I presume the end result is that a set of scripts and such are loaded on the linux side and a sketch is loaded onto the arduino chip. Hence, questions 2 and 3:

2) Is my understanding of the SD-to-rPi-to-HM process correct? Does the booting the HM SD result in a file structure on the Linux side and a sketch on the arduino side?
3) If so, how can I go about seeing the end results of the first load of the SC card on the HM/rPi? In other words, without actually using an HM/rPi, is there any way for me to see what the arduino and linux files look like on a running HM/rPi?
I'm not all that familiar with the Yun's ARM side, but the ATmega part is (virtually) the same so HeaterMeter will run on that. The LinkMeter OpenWrt image will certainly not work at all though because the architecture is completely different. If it runs OpenWrt though, there's a really good chance LinkMeter will work on it with some very minor modifications. The question is if the "Bridge" Arduino library will let you just output raw serial to the ARM side.

When the Broadcomm 2807 OpenWrt image boots (LinkMeter's distro) it checks the SPI bus to see if there's an ATmega chip on it. If that chip has the default set of fuses, it flashes the HeaterMeter hex file to the chip. From there, it is just serial data output from the standard Serial.print() on the ATmega to the RaspberryPi's UART /dev/ttyAMA0. That's read by linkmeterd and stored to the database as well as streamed/queryable through the UNIX socket /var/run/linkmeterd. The "frontend" is LuCI (OpenWrt's web configuration system) which runs in the LuCId process.

All the OpenWrt code is stock OpenWrt. The additions for LinkMeter are in git. Those are the files you're probably looking for.

