Healthy Barbecuing?


Bill - Bigbill

Had a scare Monday night and went to hospital with chest pains. All tests came back OK, was a spreading pain from shoulder injury. However, that was a WAKE UP CALL to finally listen to my doctors and change eating habits and buckle down and lose weight (100 lb. goal).

So, I am/was 2 days away from picking up a WSM 18.5 and seriously getting into low and slow BBQ. My question is, are there good heart healthy options for me besides chicken and fish? (WSM seems like overkill for such a limited option).

We have a HEALTHY GRILLING sub group and wonder if there should be one for Barbecue.

Was not sure of which forum I should really post this on, so I went straight to BBQ.
Build some exercise into the routine bro....check jillian michaels 30 day shred and after insanity or can still eat red meat but moderation and besides so many ways to cook chicken and fish with lots of veggies so dont feel left out. Good health to you brother.
You mean a lot of sweet, salty, fatty meat is not good for you? Just kidding maybe portion control and grilling more than slow cooking.

Out of all the diet styles out there, the one I think I can stick to is the Mediterranean Diet. but yes it does call for fish, poultry, whole grains, lots of veggies, good fats and limits fried, fast foods, sugar, bad fats, and red meat, etc..
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Pork Loin is leaner than white meat chicken and it great on the WSM with just some dry rub. Whole chicken is great with just some rub, as well as turkey. The main thing that you can do is get good at making your own sauces. The store bought sauces are full of sugar. I have started making some health sauces one with no sugar (coke zero, salt, pepper, garlic powder, tomatoe paste) and one low sugar (uses ketchup and Worcestershire in it) play around with it!
I'm glad your ok Big Bill...
Keep cooking but maybe no salt rubs... Easy on the bbq sauce.
Glad you are ok. I like to treat my WSM like a wood fired oven. I just use a little less smoke wood when I want an old world flavor versus BBQ. Makes awesome turkey breast, roasted chicken, sweet potatoes, and even cassaroles. Basically anything you can make in the oven, but want a hint of smoke (or more) comes out great and doesn't heat up the house.
I'm not a nutritionist, but when I do pork but, a lot of the fat renders and I am very particular about cleaning as I pull. Therefore, I don't think my pulled pork would be bad for a diet if eaten in moderation. I think the same for when I do chuck roasts. Then of course there are options like chicken and turkey. Unfortunately, I have to admit that since the kids are gone and me and my wife watch what we eat, my wsm gets a lot less use. Since you haven't already bought a wsm, maybe you should look at the mini-wsm project. That way, you could have some smoked meet and save some money.
I know a guy who hit your goal of 100lb weight loss. He stopped eating carb items like breads and pastas.
If you are serious about the weight loss read a book called Wheat Belly, by a Milwaukee cardiologist names Davis.
You might be amazed.
I'm not a nutritionist, but when I do pork but, a lot of the fat renders and I am very particular about cleaning as I pull. Therefore, I don't think my pulled pork would be bad for a diet if eaten in moderation. I think the same for when I do chuck roasts. Then of course there are options like chicken and turkey. Unfortunately, I have to admit that since the kids are gone and me and my wife watch what we eat, my wsm gets a lot less use. Since you haven't already bought a wsm, maybe you should look at the mini-wsm project. That way, you could have some smoked meet and save some money.

So glad you're okay, Bill. I'll second Jerry's advice and Hamilton's mention of pork loin. Salmon is another good option, but you can easily do that on a kettle or any grill with a cover.

Kudos for taking on this challenge, Bill, and I wish you success. Keep us posted.
Everything in moderation. Like others have mentioned a lot of the fat renders out of the meat as it's cooked and you can trim more away when it's finished. That being said I personally use my WSM probably 6 times a year. A lot of people here use theirs much more. When I get a taste for BBQ and have the time I do it. For that few times a year I am personally not too concerned about the fat content of the meat. I use the OTG a lot more than that - probably at least 2 times a week. I'd suggest you get a OTG (or performer) instead of a WSM if you don't already have one. The OTG give you more options for cooking different meats/vegetables different ways than the WSM does. You can make BBQ on a OTG as well. You just have to decide for yourself how you're most likely to cook and buy the cooker that makes the most since. The WSM is excellent for low and slow and even higher heat indirect cooking. The OTG offer more versitility.

