Has Anyone on the Board Competed-with WSM and Won

I compete with a 22 inch and an 18 inch WSM. If I had to do it over I would use 2 - 22 inch smokers. The Smoking Hills BBQ compete with WSM and are very successful. If you do not have alot of money they are hard to beat. I have competed against some very successful BBQ teams with $10,000 plus smokers and have held my own with my WSM.
I compete with three 22's. Took a first in pork last September in a SCBA event. Took a 5th in pork and 5th overall two weeks ago against 44 teams an SCBA event.

We got 1st place in pork at the 2014 Jack Daniels Invitational using a 22" WSM. They are outstanding cookers that can hang with the best money can buy!!

Fire Down Below BBQ Team
Two week ago we got GC in the Miles City, MT Cowtown Cookoff and a 1st place in pork with a perfect score using a 22" WSM. Used regular Kingsford blue.
There have been Bullets in our arsenal since 2008...we have done very well with them on the competition bbq circuit! :cool:
So are most of you using KBB or lump? Tried Stubbs last week and to me there wasn't a noticeable difference between KBB and Stubbs besides less ash.
We use the WSM to cook ribs on our comp team. I use either Kingsford Comp Briquettes, Stubbs or Royal Oak Chef Select All-Natural Briquettes.
I use a combo of Pecan and apple wood.
Dog Star BBQ took 1st in ribs, 1st in Brisket, 2nd in chicken at the 6th Annual Hartford rib off. All on 2-18's and a 22. I use Kamodo Joe lump and Wicked good.

Did my first comp last week. Came in 16th out of 35 teams. Need to work on my chicken, it came in 30th. Used Stubbs and a mix of cherry and apple. The team that won, Smokin Hoggs, I believe wrote a book on the WSM. I'm not sure if he was using a WSM for all his meats. looked like he was using a cabinet style smoker also.
2015 HOUSTON WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP BAR-B-QUE - Steve Blount cooking for Karma Que
While many were cooking on 10000$ pits, this ol boy below took a borrowed WSM, borrowed sucklebusters rub, and sucklebusters glaze, and a 1.99 whole chicken, and missed grand champion by 1 point!!! Well done Steve Blount!!!
I am Proud to be associated with this team !!
Thanks. I'd like to try the royal oak briquettes. Are they available at any of the big box stores?

Get on Royal Oak's website and look up locally owned vendors - think Ace Hardware or True Value - these stores do not stock the Chef Select but can generally get it within 48 to 72 hours with their standard orders. That is how the team I cook with originally got ours. We now get it thru one of the big restaurant supply companies as we found a friend that works at one of them.
As of this writing, we've earned 29 Grand Championships, 27 Reserve Grand Championships, 5 trips to The Jack, 4 trips to the Sam's Club National Finals and more 1st Place and Top 5 category calls than I care to go count. All of these accomplishments have been achieved cooking on 18" and 22" WSMs.

The WSM is a fantastic piece of equipment!

