Harry's New Tee Shirt Line at www.SlapYoDaddyBBQ.com

Slap Yo Daddy BBQ Classes

Harry Soo

Ever tried shopping for a tee to wear while you BBQ? Well, if you've tried, you'll learn that they are far and few between. The ones I found, I didn't care for the design nor concept. So what is a pitmaster to do. The obvious answer is to design my own tees that I would be proud to wear when I am Q-ing

I'm currently developing a line of products (tees and associated apparel) targeted for the public, backyard, and professional BBQ enthusiasts that reflect some the truisms, passion, humor, and fun of American BBQ

Please feel free to take a sneak peek and let me know what you think. I'm going to launch the line soon once I get design, marketing, sales, manufacturing, distribution, and billing sorted out.

If you can think of suggestions or great ideas to improve, I'd love to hear them on this thread or to my email at harsoo@yahoo.com. Thanks.

How about some tall sizes. I buy shirts that fit in the shoulders but are short of my belt line. If I buy one that is tall enough to hang below the belt line it will be too loose fitting in the shoulders.

Maybe Chris could do this with smoke day T-shirts also.
Hi Harry...thanks for sharing all of your knowledge with us on the board.

I think you have a great idea. I love the shirts but where is the butts and brisket versions. As for marketing and distribution maybe the folks at Cafe Press could help you out.


I hope to make it to one of your classes someday.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rick Hughes:
How about some tall sizes. I buy shirts that fit in the shoulders but are short of my belt line. If I buy one that is tall enough to hang below the belt line it will be too loose fitting in the shoulders.

Maybe Chris could do this with smoke day T-shirts also.

I agree, please remember the Big and TALL
I would add a front pocket. I like T Shirts with front pockets to carry my Iphone/Ipod, thermal pen ect! Change the color of the award seal on the back from a metallic look to a regular color.

Harry everything else looks great maybe you can add some baseball style hats,aprons,and Chicken Hats!!
I love the recipes right on the shirt! That is very cool. Don't forget: we BBQ guys tend to be pretty big. XXL for me! :-)

Good job!
Unfortunately, there are no choices to be made when it comes to sizes on Cafepress. You pick a certain shirt style and you get whatever sizes they offer. They usually offer up to 4XL, but they don't offer tall and they don't offer pocket t-shirts.

I feel your pain about t-shirts that fall short of the belt line...been there, done that.

Cool shirts! Including your recipe is sheer genius! And be sure to have plenty of XXLs!
You need to have one with all the rules on it. I'd buy that. In XXL,of course!
Just don't forget mediums and larges for us left coast,seafood, veggies, tofu BBQers.How about a gray or white shirt as the black can get warm in the California Sun.

This may seem awfully stupid, but I'd like to see "Soo's Chef" apparel added to your offerings. Stew on that for awhile before you throw anything at me.

Thanks for all your input on the tee-shirts. I'm hoping to have a national chain carry them. There will be 10+ BBQ Wisdom designs on my website soon with 5 team shirts also available. I'll announce on TVWBB when I get them ready for orders.

