Happy Smoke/Memorial Day Weekend!


Brandon Akins

New member
I can confirm at least one WSM chugging along in Eastern NC, on this fine, although frigid Smoke Day/Memorial Day weekend! All nighter with 2 butts! My first night smoke. I took what I read here and tried to not lose too much sleep. Planned on checking a few times but after I fired her up at 11:30 pm and got everything rolling the bed was calling. Woke up promptly at 6 and ran to my patio expecting the worse. It was a frigid 40 degrees last night, rare for us this time a year, but she roared on through the night like old faithful hanging pretty darn close to 225. I added some more fuel and gonna try and bring it up to about 250. My third smoke on the WSM and so far every time has been a great experience. Thank you all for the knowledge you bring. Happy smoke day! And an especially Happy Memorial Day weekend to all of our men and women of the Armed Forces! Because of YOU, we can 'QUE!
Happy Smoke/Memorial Day to you also! I'm grilling (again) today, but I got ribs going on tomorrow, and a 9lb butt planned for Monday. Enjoy your smoke!
I wish all of you lucky enough to not be working this weekend a happy Smoke Day and Memorial Day weekend. Hope all of you have wonderful results.
Waking up from an overnight cook is like getting up on christmas morning. Full of anticipation and not sure what you will find. Smoke on!
Happy Smoke Day to everyone!! Getting started here in Phoenix. Chuck roast is peppered and salted and WSM is heating up. Ready to do my first Pepper Stout Beef. If it turns out half as good as the pics I've seen on this site, it will be a good cook.

