Half brisket / half pastrami with pics


Brad Chilton

So I bought a 15 lb brisket couple days ago with intent on making pastrami .... But the call of some juicy point beckoned me so I cut 3/4 of the flat off and it's in a brine for ten days .... The point I thru on the smoker this morning and 10hrs later looked like this...

And another 1-1/2 hours later like this


That looks awesome! Do you have the recipe or details of the process? I may have to replicate this one for some lunches.....

I wish it was something special but it was a rub of kosher salt , garlic , cumin, and Montreal steak seasoning ... 10 hour cook at an average of 228 degrees ... Pulled when probe tender which turned out to be 188 degrees ....I used Lazzari's lump charcoal with a bit of kingsford comp ...wood chucks were pecan ... I wrapped in butcher paper around 5+ hours in when it had reached a color that i was happy with... I opened the lid only once during the cook and that was to wrap it ...

