Half a Brisket???


Adam E

New member
Hey folks.

I was wondering if anyone has had good success smoking half a brisket. A whole packer is just WAY too much meat for me to do. I've only done one brisket before and it wasn't what I'd call very good. I did an overnight using the Minion Method and it was tough and dry.

I thought that maybe I could do half now and freeze the rest for a later smoke. Also, I was going to try the high heat method.

Any thoughts?
I'd do the opposite. Cook whole and freeze the leftovers.

By the way, "tough and dry" overnight briskets are undercooked briskets.
Ditto cook and freeze. I still have vac. sealed pulled pork that takes about 15 minutes in boiling water to bring up to temp and tasting like fresh pulled!!
If you don't have a vacuum food sealer, you can always use zip loc bags. Just squeeze out the air best you can. When I cook I've often done an extra couple of butts or an extra brisket just to freeze. If you've got a full packer, it is best to protect the flat by cooking it whole with the point.

However, as a disclaimer I've also never just cooked a brisket flat due to everything I've read in the past and because I always found in my area flats on their own are double the cost of what I can get a packer for.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">

However, as a disclaimer I've also never just cooked a brisket flat due to everything I've read in the past and because I always found in my area flats on their own are double the cost of what I can get a packer for. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I used to cook just flats in the 5-6 pound range. There's no problem if you get them untrimmed. But they were starting to get expensive, around 5 bucks a pound, so I switched to doing small packers in the 8-10 pound range for between 2-3 bucks a pound depending on who has them. Got a 9 pounder for tomorrow for $26 and change.
Thanks everyone.

I bought a 12lb. packer at Walmart. I paid $28.51 for it. I had no idea the prices were so high!

Anyway, I'll take your advice and cook it whole. I'll do my best to eat it all and freeze what's left.

Wish me luck!

