TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
So tonight we had our Christmas with the kids and grandkids. Total madhouse. I was crazy busy. Had the Member's Mark crankin' at 400 went to shut it down, my better senses said set it down to 250 and let it cool down but my being in a hurry said "nah it'll be fine" so I put it right into shutdown. Thank heavens I peeked at it and saw the smoke billowing out of the pellet hopper. Quickly turned it back on, at P2, did a pellet dump, and hit the prime button to get the burning pellets out of the auger. Saved the day. Phew. I did a gorgeous cowboy ribeye from Sam's 3" thick on it. Ran smoke, then when I realized things were getting tight, changed plans and seared the ribeye and the lone filet off using the little Ninja. The Ninja was also pressed into service to grill up asparagus. Holy cow did that little grill shine. On everything it touched. On high grill setting it gets awfully darn hot BTW. I shot a temp off it on low at 400. In any case it seared off that giant ribeye as well as anyone could hope for. Turned out perfect asparagus as well. A wonderful ravioli with marinara first course darn we ate well!