Had a bad scare last night

Dang; I was frightened just reading your post. From now on I need to track your moves on here to see some activity every 5 hours.

I'm glad you and your Daughter were able to get that episode under control.
Speke with doc office yesterday and today. Learned a lot. Also they adjusted my long acting insulin down to compensate for the added med Monjaro. So that along with having the CGM I can track and understand everything far better. Pretty sure I will avoid another episode like that again
And...... my turn last night. Completely fouled up carbs in dinner and meal time insulin. 108 at bed time, an hour later, 38. Some of the worst vision issues I've had, covering nearly the full center of vision. I do not recommend this as a way to spend the night.
And...... my turn last night. Completely fouled up carbs in dinner and meal time insulin. 108 at bed time, an hour later, 38. Some of the worst vision issues I've had, covering nearly the full center of vision. I do not recommend this as a way to spend the night.
Fun isn't it? Since this new (to me) med (Monjaro) everything is "wonky" for me. Last night, numbers started dropping after supper, so I ended up eating half a cookie. Things stabilized. Doc cut my insulin from 75 units to 50, I am cutting it even more. Good luck on everything. This stuff is no joke.
Fortunately, I've demonstrated multiple times now that I can self-recover from upper 30s (still do not recommend it) as long as I don't crash down too quickly. My g/f asked if there there was anything she could do (no, there really isn't,) so she said you've done this before, you know how to treat yourself. This is a good example of where a CGM would be a significant improvement in diagnosis. I don't crash this hard very often fortunately, this is the first time in a few years, and I just don't feel like spending the money (last I checked, my health insurance still considered CGMs to be "experimental.")
Fortunately, I've demonstrated multiple times now that I can self-recover from upper 30s (still do not recommend it) as long as I don't crash down too quickly. My g/f asked if there there was anything she could do (no, there really isn't,) so she said you've done this before, you know how to treat yourself. This is a good example of where a CGM would be a significant improvement in diagnosis. I don't crash this hard very often fortunately, this is the first time in a few years, and I just don't feel like spending the money (last I checked, my health insurance still considered CGMs to be "experimental.")
Mine covered it (got them at Costco yesterday). And Dexcom has a coupon to help defray the cost. Still was $125 for 3 sensors (1 month supply). (10 days per sensor). Honestly (other than the slight discomfort of itchiness and feeling like something is in my "skin) I really like the thing. Last night my levels started to fall again (not like Sunday but enough) so I was able to eat half a cookie and thins stabilized. I would not be able to do this with a BGM. Or I would be sticking myself every hour or more. "Can you say pincushion?"
"Can you say pincushion?"
Fer sure. Something like 7 sticks yesterday, plus injections.

There has been another issue with CGMs historically. While they certainly have been useful, they were not approved for, and probably weren't really good enough for, full diagnostic use. IOW, if your b/s crashed or spiked, you still have to take a finger stick to validate. Still tremendously useful for brittle diabetics, not quite so much me.

No argument that medical science is better now than any prior time in human history. Without it, I'd likely not be here.
Well it started to tank again early this evening. Luckily, I changed my low alarm from 70 to 90. Sat down to supper and got some glazed carrots, ribs and mashed taters in me. Stabilized and is coming back up. But dropped low enough to give me a little of the "shakes". Think I am gonna cut my long acting insulin back another 10 units a day which would mean a total cut back of 35 units.
Part of the issue is the Monjaro really decreases my appetite especially about 24 to 48 hours after the weekly injection. I guess I really have to lean the balancing act.
I took my second to last dose of Ozempic .05 today. Next Sunday will be the last one at that dose, then up to a 1.0 dose weekly. No significant side effects yet except for constipation. I have Libra 2 CGM’s, switching to the Libra 3, when my 2’s run out. I’ve only ever been as low as 50 with the CGM, but I can usually feel it happening with shakiness and brurry vision. One time before the CGM, my wife and son came in the bedroom to talk to me and I heard myself talking jibberish and almost unable to retain my sitting balance. I didn’t feel the dizziness or notice the blurry vision in that instance, so I’m more attuned and informed and the CGM really helps.
Similar to @JKalchik, I use smarties as glucose tabs. I get them in the bulk candy bin at Winco and they’re strategically stashed around the house and car.
I have both the CGM monitor and phone app (you can only use one at a time and it’s phone app only with the 3’s) but now I exclusively use the phone app because my phone is almost always with me. I both like and hate the low glucose alarm going off at night while I’m asleep. I always keep a small can of OJ on the bedside table, just in case, along with several rolls of smarties.
I’ve also learned, like your experience but not anywhere nearly as bad, skipping meals is not a wise thing to do.
Report back how you like the Libre. I just got the scrip filled for the Dexcom 7 the other day. Holy :poop: they're $$$$$! Even with my insurance AND their discount coupon they were $125 at Costco for 3 of them (30 day supply).
Yesterday averted yet another "episode". We had a late AM due to having babies here. So breakfast came on the late side. 0930 or so for me. We then had to meet my sister over in McHenry IL for a couple appointments to look at Senior Living facilities for our dad (another longer story). So, wife said prior to leaving. "Maybe you should have a bite to eat". But because of the time and the effects of Monjaro. I was not even the slightest hungry. Well, while sitting with the rep at one place, I started feeling just a tad "off" looked at the app, the arrow was pointed down and I was at 100. Rep got me a glass of OJ, still dropping. Had to take 2 glucose tabs as well. It leveled off and slowly began to come back up a bit.
Then just prior to supper, yet again. But, no need for juice and tabs. I made sure to have an extra blob of mashed taters. Came back around and settled 125ish to 135ish. for the evening even though I splurged and treated myself to a little ice cream as well. Skipped the Toujeo (long acting insulin) last night. Levels held well all night. Got up to 120. Though after I was up and active it popped up a little to 130. So did 12 units LA insulin and gonna call it a day there.
This Mojaro really has me on a balancing act unlike how I reacted to Ozempic. Still have the gastrointestinal (unpleasant) side effects but seem to be more manageable and predictable. IOW I know about 36 to 48 hours after weekly injection (mostly "stopped up"). Which then begins to subside as week goes on. Unlike Ozempic which just got worse and worse.
Time will tell how this therapy will work out for me. 🤞
Report back how you like the Libre.
I like the Libra 2. It's good for 14 days as is the Libra 3. The 3 is smaller than the 2, but the cost is the same. My Dr. worked with my Medicare provider and I get them at no cost. My brother started with the DexCom but switched to the Libre 2, the 3, because of the cost.
Larry, that is incredibly scary. I along with everyone else to so glad you came successfully through it. And my personal thanks to you all. You've provide me some great insight and information about a condition that I don't have -- yet. I've been labled "pre-diabetic" for years and can't truly say why that hasn't changed. Very thankful though. This discussion may at some point become very important to me though. So happy to hear that all of you are pulling through.
well when it changes Rich (and it likely will) it's like "pre" to full blown in a heartbeat. I tried hard to maintain "pre" but not successful.
Mark, the Dexcom 7 is good for 10 days plus a half day grace period. I have to do a change today. Not looking forward to it. Not fond of pushing a button and having something slam me in the arm with a needle. Phycological, more than anything else.
Doctors " med's " frighten me........
I have read lots on diets ect. to help maintain or just help in general...I also try to eat very good...try is the key word here.
I wish you the best of luck!
You would not be stealing it. Honestly those of us who deal with this malady need to learn from and support each other. BTW doc wants me to begin a full Monjaro (5mg) dose (up from the 2.5 starter) after next week. Tomorrow I'll take my 3rd 2.5 dose, next Fri my last. Doc and pharmacist both agree the upgraded dose will not mean twice the side effects.
He recommended Miralax to get me through the other "side effect" so I am trying that with reasonable results.

