Habanero sauce

All steps must be performed outdoors.

Ain't that the truth! Years ago I made some homemade deer repellant to spray on my roses using a bunch of jalapenos, chopped and boiled...... in the kitchen. And that was just jalapenos. I'd love to give your sauce a try, maybe on some eggs or potatoes. I used to enjoy a few drops of hot sauce in a tomato beer also. Thanks for the post.
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Yeah, anything inside isn't even close to an option. I use the gas grill as a stove to get the vinegar boiling for post smoke blanching. I don't try to remove any pepper skin or seeds. Even indoor bottle filling will make you cough and cry if the sauce is still steaming. I usually wear rubber gloves as well as you're sure to spill a bit here and there. Speaking from past experience, you don't want to be taking a leak after getting this stuff on your hands.
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You do not want to do that. Don't ask me how I know.
Wear gloves. i was very careful once. Washed up several times too. All was well i thought. Then I touched my cheek. Front cheeks. You all know what happened next. Yep. Despite the extreme care and washing several times after, the oils had gotten absorbed. Once I touched my face I was in pain. Could see people with my eyes closed. Seriously if you put up your hand and asked how many fingers were held up, I could tell you. It was that oversensitive to heat.
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