Habanero death dust in production...


Frank H

TVWBB Gold Member
Well , I planted a bunch of habanero pepper plants in my garden this spring and a few of them didn't make it... But I've been harvesting peppers and drying them with Habanero death dust in mind...

So , I've been harvesting the peppers a few at a time and drying them and grinding them in the food processor...
Ive still got peppers to come and I'm hoping to have a pretty good amount of HDD at the end of the growing season.
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My Dad gave me some habaneros he dried and ground up I think in 2009 and they still pack quite a punch!!!
Good man!

I've still got some of the death dust you made last year.

I've used it in a bunch of recipes.

That sh_t has some turbo, Frank! :cool:
You got plans for all that heat?

yep! I'll use a little , but I'll share most of it. Did you miss out last year?

I love hot pepper's,how did you dry them?

i have one of those electric food dehydrators I bought at a yard sale. It has a heating element in the bottom and you set the food on ventilated trays. Takes about 48 hours to dry the peppers good and crispy. Looks like this.

Those are my favorite. Made lots of great meals from the last

Ill keep you in mind , brother. I've still got your address. You're the only guy I know who can eat that stuff with a spoon! :cool:
Your a brave soul Frank!

To be honest , Daniel , I use it verrrry sparingly. I like it in chili or in BBQ sauce , but it takes a tiny amount to produce amazing heat. You need a gas mask and gloves when you grind it up in the food processor !
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Geeeezzzzus! Those things will take you to the spirit world for about an hour. I grew some nasty ones with a lot of pain behind them this year. Only use I found for them so far is bear mace.

