Grinder with wire brush to clean stainless steel flavorizer bars

I have, but really not necessary. I just go over them with some household stainless steel wool or give the a quick once over with a stiff wire brush.
Yeah, the last thing I want is my flavorizer bars that clean. Kind of defeats the propose, in my mind. I want them seasoned, so I just knock off any big stuff with a quick wire brush scrape once a year. Which is pretty much my policy on the rest of the grill as well - heat shield, bottom tray, and inside of cookbox. Yes, I said once a year. Lol
For flip grills, I would basically do what I said, however, unless the bars are nearly new, they are never going to look very good from a presentation point of view. I pretty much replace every set of flavorizer bars on my flip grills.
For flip grills, I would basically do what I said, however, unless the bars are nearly new, they are never going to look very good from a presentation point of view. I pretty much replace every set of flavorizer bars on my flip grills.

I have tried wire brushing and sanding to little avail. My thought is to keep the ugly, but usable ones for you own use. A bright shiny set of cheap flavorizer bars definitely helps make a refurbished grill look new and sell better :cool: .
LOL, Jon, I have had the same thoughts. But, with RCP flavorizer bars, I have little use for a "used" set. I do have a good used 13 bar set though and I figure those will go in a grill that I do on the cheap for someone or maybe a friend/family thing.

