Grilling for my boy's birthday party - advice needed



My little man is turning 4 and we are having a Dodgers Party for him - he is a huge Dodgers fan, like his old man.

When it comes to grilling, I only own a Weber 22.5" OTS.

I am going to grill hot dogs and burgers for a crowd of approximately 50 people. How do you recommend I go about keeping the fire going when it comes to grilling so many hot dogs and burgers? Keep adding coal every hour?

Also, I plan to start early - so I can enjoy the party and not have to grill throughout the day. Any tips on how to keep burgers and dogs warm after they are cooked?

I would appreciate any feedback!
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Keep a heap of coals going on one side and rake them to the other side that your cooking on and add more coals to the stack to get them going. Hope that makes sense to you. I would hold them warm in a foiled pan in the oven. Just don't over cook them to start with.
I would just add hot coals as needed. Maybe 1/2 a chimney at a time.

This are quick items to grill. When you get a few guest together make a batch of burgers and hot dogs. Put in a pan.

I would cook the burgers as needed. Maybe get a buddy to help out. Hotdogs taste good when cold but a burger not so much.
Or do a porkbutt.
Pull it and put it in a crockpot with a little apple juice and put it warm setting. Set out the buns and food will be ready at what ever time they arrive. Potatoe salad and beans and your set.
You can cook everything ahead of time and keep warm in a roaster oven, add liquid and insert rack and lay burgers and dogs on rack.

How bout the Spurs!:cool:
I'm known as the Hot Dog Man on our street because for the past 7 years I cook hot dogs for the parents (and kids) for Halloween. I cook a tone of them all at once, then put them in an aluminum pan with a beer that I boil all the alcohol out of. Then I put this to the one side of the grill where I have no coals. When someone want's a dog they are ready. If they like dogs that have that crispy burnt just off the fire texture I just flip it over the hot coals for a few minutes. Everyone loves them. I cooked over 100 last year, and that was on my gasser because it rained.

I worked my butt off that night, but we all had a blast.
For the Hamburgers I'd cook them the day before and heat them up in a roasting pan.
My friend does this all the time, and I've never heard anyone complain about them.
I saw at one of my favorite burger joints a stainless tub filled with a liquid and a stack of flame broiled (gas) patties. I asked what & why and was told it was so if the cooks ran behind they could use that. She wouldn't tell me what was in the solution, but if I had to guess I'd say there was at least a little salt in there, I might also guess a little oil & msg.
Truthfully I'd steam the hotdogs for kids, if you want something for the adults grills some chuck steaks in teriyaki, cut into bite size and pass them around

My condolences for your dodger fan
I'm known as the Hot Dog Man on our street because for the past 7 years I cook hot dogs for the parents (and kids) for Halloween. I cook a tone of them all at once, then put them in an aluminum pan with a beer that I boil all the alcohol out of. Then I put this to the one side of the grill where I have no coals. When someone want's a dog they are ready. If they like dogs that have that crispy burnt just off the fire texture I just flip it over the hot coals for a few minutes. Everyone loves them. I cooked over 100 last year, and that was on my gasser because it rained.

I worked my butt off that night, but we all had a blast.
For the Hamburgers I'd cook them the day before and heat them up in a roasting pan.
My friend does this all the time, and I've never heard anyone complain about them.
This is a great idea to have the hot dogs basically done and holding in roasting pan off to the side.
Might be able to do something similar with the burgers, but I think that I would want to finish those on the grill.
To be honest, thin premade hamburger patties (as you would likely serve at that kind of event) and hot dogs cook so quickly on a Weber (just minutes per batch), I would just cook and serve. Maybe use a warming rack on one side of the kettle or a coal-free zone off to one side at the edge of the grill (maybe a foil pan for the dogs, just stack the burgers) if you need to hold something. Cook a batch and serve, cook another batch and serve.
Party went great. Did the dogs on a "hot" Mini Smokey Joe, and cooked the burgers to order.

Thanks for everyone's help!

No pictures, got a little busy.
Party went great. Did the dogs on a "hot" Mini Smokey Joe, and cooked the burgers to order.

Thanks for everyone's help!

No pictures, got a little busy.

No pictures......

On your next cook we need double the pictures....

