Grilled Stuffed Peppers


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
many peppers in the garden... what to do with them all...
we followed this recipe butt subbed the chorizo with pork breakfast sausage.
removed from it's casings then grilled yesterday in a CIG... Liz then cooked the rice and everything else involved with the stuffing.
Today, I picked the peppers then sliced and cleaned...


...and stuffed.


seasoned it all with a salt-free fajita mix.
fired up the 26" OTG with a full chimney of Kingsford, dumped it on one side + placed the peppers on the other side.


left them alone for some quiet time about 20 minutes...
then topped it all with pieces of Provolone and
Queso Fresco and a little Oaxaca



only a minute or two and those peppers were done! while the coals were hot...


...a few sprigs of 'gus gathered...
then came the time to EET!


These was quite tasty!

DSCN1469.JPG tasty, (
guess what???)... I went back for MORE!


Yessirrie! DaggumGood Stuff!
Well, thanks alot for visiting, see you tomorrow! So Long!
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Thank you for your kind comments :)
not a fan of chorizo?
oh, absolutely I L♥VE Chorizo! We just had this package of BS in the freezer since February and I was just cleaning / clearing out...
WOW..stepping out! Love the peppere. Looks like your garden had done better then most this year! Mine was/is a wreck!
That was a slam dunk of a cook. I love chroizo but wonder how those peppers would've turned out with all the grease that chorizo has to offer. Maybe if it was partially cooked to separate it from the grease b4 stuffing the peppers.......
It may be overused, but
Simply Outstanding!!

Bookmarked for my next guys only cook, since we know that peppers are a no go for the Jo.
Thanks Jim, for treating us to some great hunger pangs!

I love the idea for the stuffed peppers and that's now on my menu for dinner tonight (my wife will be away, so I can do what I want!). We live in the woods and have NO unshaded space for a garden, but I happen to have a mixed bag of hot cherry peppers, jalapenos, serranos and some Anaheim-looking thing with a thick and dull skin (anyone know what that might be?). And there's some interesting beef sausage that my wife doesn't like. What an OPPORTUNITY and all thanks to you!

And I also appreciate the recipe link -- good chance to provide some payback. Look at the bottom of that link page to see this recipe . And just today I got this great stuffed pepper option for leftover pork butt and brisket (assuming THAT ever happens :rolleyes: ).

Oops, I'll edit to fix the links as soon as I figure it out again.
And later: Ok, a little decipering and researching the minor mysteries of html and it's done.

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Great idea, but I wish I would've read this 2 hours ago! I literally just finished eating dinner: 1.5 pounds of Italian sausage sauteed with 4 bell peppers and 2 onions. We had half of it in some French bread tonight and the rest of it will go over polenta in a few days.

