Grilled cheese sammiches

Jim, I've seen that stuff! Normally things like that only whet my appetite when it's hot out, like swimming and sweating weather. But after all the endless days I've had to work outside in freezing cold this winter, I might have to try some of that Hendrick's when it hits 50 degrees next week. Bet it would make a great Tom Collins....
Clay, there is a Gin made by Hendricks... it is infused with rose petals and cucumbers... you gotta check this out.

At First, I Thought, "Gimme A Break!" I love gin martinis and Tonic splashed on Gin, but cucumber & rose petals???

however, you say, "I am hooked"

Hendricks Gin may cost 2 bucks more, but most certainly worth it.


Clay that soup and sandwich is off the charts, love it.

Jim don't know where you find this stuff but Hendricks is on my list to find because I love gin martinis!
This post deserves attention because it shows how simple but beautiful things can be cooked and presented perfectly.
Very nice pics Clay.

