Grilled Brats • Grilled Pork • Grilled Shé~cone

Glad you were able to stay awake long enough for a cook post or 3. :p
I want the chops for breakfast.
Brats for lunch.
And chicken for dinner.
Where do I pay?

All 3 are Winners!
thanks folks:)

Now, since I, thanks to you, have large amounts of patty pans, more than I can eat, and my few neighbours politely says "No, thank you" when I try to give them even more squash, do you have any ideas to preserve them? I've found out that I can blacnh them in coiling water, but then they will becom mushy, and I do nat want that. The fantastic crisp texture is something I would like to enjoy in months to come.
No ideas for you Geir... see, we eet them as we pick them. Sorry.

My wife and I are building a house next year and I hope to construct my own version of the P1GVILLION once we get settled. Hope you don't mind if I borrow some of your ideas.
mind? it'd be an honour!:eek:

Where do I pay?
there's a coffee can with a slot in the top... we work with the honour-system here. :p

