E310. Be sure to get pics of the inside of the cabinet on any of these (opr the previous generation with side mounted burners) as the floor and bottoms of the side/back panels tend to be prone to rusting
Dave, I missed out on it. I called the party as soon as it popped on CL and they didn't answer. I left a message and they called back 15 minutes later and said it was sold. I think it was a steal. Just wish I had been a few minutes earlier.
Dave, I missed out on it. I called the party as soon as it popped on CL and they didn't answer. I left a message and they called back 15 minutes later and said it was sold. I think it was a steal. Just wish I had been a few minutes earlier.
Yeah, I saw that. Post was more for future reference. Something else to note is that the firebox and end caps are a grayish color on both generations of the 300 series. I don't believe anyone has found a color matching high heat paint.
If the endcaps needed paint, I would just make them Black. I guess from a purist's standpoint, it would detract a bit from the "stock" aspect of the grill, but for most people, I don't think it would really make a difference.