Greetings from Virginia


Matt Gonzalez

New member
Hello from Norfolk, Virginia! I have been lurking here for years, and just made the plunge to a 18.5 WSM. Thought I would join and learn from all of you. I am very experienced smoking on a 22 inch Weber kettle and just recently got a great deal on the WSM. I look forward to discussing tips and tricks!

Hi Matt. I am also in VA (Richmond area). I lurk here a lot, especially during the smoking season. I have had my WSM 22 for 4 years, and love it. Can't wait to see how you like it!
I smoked a 9lb butt on Saturday. I was impressed with the WSM right away. It took longer than the kettle smokes did, this was truly low and slow. I was able to keep it at 240 for hours. It took almost 12 hours to get the butt up to 200 degrees. The taste was perfect, great smoke flavor and juicy throughout.

I just ordered a bbqguru partyq which will be here this week. I may run a brisket Friday night depending on the weather.

I will put a pic of the butt up shortly.
Welcome, I'm also from VA and I also slow cook on 22 Kettle(s), I have yet to make the WSM plunge close a couple times on craiglist but didn't work out.
Thanks to all for the welcome's. After reading many posts on here about ATC, I went ahead and picked up a PartyQ. Gonna run some ribs this weekend and see how it goes.

