Greetings from the west of Ireland



New member
Just thought I'd introduce myself as the new owner of a 57cm (or possibly a 22") WSM, and looking forward to trying out some of the recipies and techniques given here on the wild wet atlantic coast of County Galway

Eamonn (Ed for short)
Welcome to the forum Ed. This is a great place to learn and to share. Congrats on that WSM22.
Thanks guys. Looking at photos here and drooling. Cooked four slabs of spares on Saturday on the WSM, and they were delicious. Tug-Off-The-Bone, smoky, juicy and saucy sweet. On my cheap leaky kettle grill I had never been able to manage anything more than a 2 hour cook so am absolutely delighted (as were the visitors) with the bullet, and looking forward to some longer cooks. At this rate, I might even convert my vegetarian wife into a carnivore
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