Graduation Brisket


Chris in Louisiana

TVWBB All-Star
My wife has been plugging away at night and online classes for years, and is finally about to graduate from LSU-Shreveport on Sunday. She will get a B.A. about 25 years after she finished high school. All As in the last several years, with the exception of one pesky B that was a 89.something.

So we're having a party tomorrow. Got a 14.71 lb. brisket from Sam's for $32.21. Trimmed it to 12.57. That's about $6.50 of fat. Ouch!

Rubbed with S&P, plus some onion and garlic powder, cumin, and paprika. Injected with beef broth, Worcestershire, and a little San-J Tamari for umami.

It went on the WSM tonight about 8 on Minion with hunks of hickory, apple, and cherry. I've really been digging on cherry lately. Vents at about 30% and it is chugging at 225 or so.

We'll finish it in the morning and have more pics.

First time I've done an overnight in a while. My last several briskets have been high heat, with great results, but I wanted to make sure this big hunk had time to get done before the party.

Is that a packer? I wish the Sam's here in MN would sell packer's. Looks good, and have some fun at the grad party!!
Congratulations to your wife for "hanging in there". I am sure that you supported her, so congratulations to you, too!

I eagerly await your finished photos!

Well, it came out great. We had a good crowd and they ate the heck out of that brisket. Drank a few beers too.

12.5 hours on low. Put it in a foil pan wrapped with HD foil for about 2 more hours. Temps were in 200+ range, varying a bit due to major differences in thickness in this big brisket.

Took it off and wrapped in a towel in an ice chest for about 5 hours, and it was still plenty hot for slicing and chopping. I usually just slice, but I removed the fatty point and chopped it with some of the lean flat. Good mix.

We served it with hamburger buns and slider buns, with a tortilla option, and No. 5 sauce, cilantro, cheese, and lettuce for toppings. There was one small square of unsliced left, and a few crumbs of chopped.

It's a good party when almost all the food is eaten.

Congrats to both of you....... behind every good man is a great woman. Good for her! Now she can go for that big $$$ job and you can buy more BBQ "Stuff"!!!
Great pictures, and good price on that brisket, I just ordered one from our local BJ's for Smoke Day its a 7lbs and guna be around 30 bucks!

